Chp.7 Living with Friends

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After (Yn) finished telling the story to Marco and Star, he walks to the window and looks outside.

Marco: Wow, so that's how you ended up here on earth?

(Yn): Yup, didn't know these swords can open dimensions.

Star: So, you arrived here when you were 15?

(Yn): Yes.

Star: So that means your 18?

(Yn) Indeed.

*Star and Marco are also 18*

Star: Makes sense now.

(Yn): For the past 3 years I have been living in the park myself, surviving and training hard to get my hands on that lizard.

Star: But, do you even know his name?

(Yn): No, but I can always remember his face. Anyways, I should probably get going, its getting pretty dark.

Star and Marco looked at each other for a moment and told (Yn) to wait for a minute.

Marco: Wait, (Yn).

(Yn): Yes?

Star: We were just wondering if you can stay here with us.

(Yn): Like live with you guys?!

Marco: Of course!

Star: We feel bad about you losing your Master, and living alone, and we decided if you can stay here and live with us.

(Yn) smiled and hugged both Star and Marco.

(Yn): Thanks guys, You really are the best!

Marco: (Yn), I think we and you are gonna become best friends.

(Yn): Really?!

Star: Yea really! Once your with us, you'll have some much fun and going to fun places!

(Yn): Hehe, I guess we are gonna be friends.

Marco: Yup.

*2 hours later*

It was 9pm in the night, Star had a plan to make a room for (Yn).

Star: Alright here goes, Sparkle glitter bomb expand!

On the other side of Marco's House, had a room for (Yn), just like Star's. (Yn) checks inside of his room, inside of his room was a bed for him, closet, and a small T.V.

(Yn): Wow Star, it looks cool!

Star: I knew you would like it.

(Yn): I just wanted to say thanks for your and Marco letting me stay here and making me a room for, its a nice thing you guys you did for me.

Star: Hehe, well you know me, always a good friend.

(Yn) hugs Star, and she started to blush, smiles and hugs back. Then Marco comes to (Yn)'s room.

Marco: Um.....guys?

Both Star and (Yn) got scared.

Star: Marco!

(Yn): You scared us man!

Marco: Sorry, I just came buy to give some sleeping clothes for you.

(Yn): Oh, cool thanks.

Marco: Come on star, let him change.

Star: OK...

Marco and Star left the room and closed the door.

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