Rashid nodded briefly in response. "So while you're waiting, how about a theatre performance?"

"Really?" Sinbad exclaimed at his mentor's suggestion, honey coloured eyes radiating brightly, yet his excited smile faltered while the stony expression on Masumi's face never wavered.

"I'm not so sure mentor, I only performed to raise funds for the Union Admission fee. That's not a problem anymore." The violet-haired boy explained.

"You are quite mature for your age Sinbad..." Rashid began. His first few words earned a scoff from the Fanalis, which provoked a sweat-drop from the dungeon capturer, but Rashid disregarded the teenagers and spoke again.

"But to be blunt, you're still a novice when it comes to being a merchant. You've joined the Union but you still haven't set up a shop. How about a warehouse to store inventory, and a carriage to transport goods; you must also advertise your new shop and work hard to build a strong foundation."

Throughout the situations Rashid had listed even further, the dungeon capturer and redhead realised how many more problems they had yet to solve.

"There is still time until your return to the port. Until then we must prepare everything I have stated, naturally using your own abilities," Rashid finished.

"I see," Sinbad muttered, thick brows furrowed together while his red headed comrade remained silent.

"In Reim, there is a policy to sponsor various amusements for its citizens. There are gladiators at the Colosseum, gambling houses, bath houses and theatre. However, the gladiators and theatre attract the most citizens by far," Rashid informed.

"So I should try for one of those?" Sinbad asked. Masumi dozed out of the conversation for a second and into her deep thoughts, quietly planning her own ideas.

"I wouldn't advise becoming a gladiator. It's a severe spectacle where you're forced to do battle, where at times you may battle terrible beasts. At present, your body is the only asset you possess. You must not expose yourself to danger. If you are a merchant, you must understand that you can't do the impossible," Rashid advised. The violet-haired boy understandingly nodded, but the Fanalis piped into the discussion.

"I could become a gladiator," Masumi suggested. The dungeon capturer whipped his head towards the girl in a bewildered manner.

"No way! Didn't you just hear mentor?" Sinbad rejected her bizarre idea without hesitation, "Besides, I thought we were both doing theatre."

"A Fanalis gladiator would definitely entertain Reim citizens. Our seperate performances would earn more funds, and your safety will not be risked," Masumi reasoned logically.

"But then you'll be in danger."

"He's right Masumi. I sense you are a strong warrior, but I believe that you are also smart enough to know the length of your limits; being a gladiator may bring you harsh consequences during battle, and your performance will earn" Rashid persuaded, "but I respect that it is your decision and only my opinion."

"Thank you, because it is in consideration," Masumi replied.

"No it's not!" Sinbad exclaimed.

"We can discuss this later. There are more important things to do right now," Masumi said. The violet-haired boy parted his lips to retaliate, but the redhead glowered threateningly, ruby red orbs darkening to a dangerous shade of scarlet underneath her matted lashes. Obediently, the dungeon capturer averted his gaze from her narrow-slitted eyes and focused on Rashid in silence.

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