Owen pries open the elevator doors and we both stare down the elevator shaft. We can see the top of the elevator and a faint ring of light where the small door must be.
"It's not that far a jump," he says, as he begins climbing down. I shake my head gently as I climb down after him. A clang echoes around the elevator shaft as we both let go of the ledge by the doors and we fall a small distance to the elevator. Owen leans down and opens the small emergency door, and he looks at me. We can hear screaming coming from the room below us.
"After you," I say, gesturing to the hole below us. He shakes his head at me and jumps down, using the ledge to ease himself to the ground. He looks out at the crowd before glancing at me and gesturing for me to jump down too. I sit down and slide off the ledge and I feel Owen's hands land on my waist to ease my descent. I look out into the crowd and see that chaos has fallen upon them. We don't have any time to talk as we both see a guard aiming his gun at the Stygimoloch. Owen immediately runs towards him and manages to knock his gun up towards the ceiling as he fires, resulting in screams from the crowd. Owen manages to flip the guard over his shoulder and knock him out, just in time for a second guard to attack.
I scope the situation, deciding when the best time for me to step in is. The guard swings at Owen with a giant taser, but Owen punches him, distracting him for long enough to grab the giant taser and spin him around, pulling back on the taser against the guard's throat. He spins towards me and Owen meets my eyes. Guess my time is now.
I step forwards and punch the guard in the face as hard as I can, earning a grunt from him. He lifts up his leg and swings it at me, and I manage to dodge it in time. Unfortunately he uses this moment to push the taser away from his neck and spin back around, grabbing Owen and slamming him into the wall. I run forward and launch myself onto his back, wrapping my arms around his neck. It manages to throw him off balance and Owen punches him this time, hard enough to knock him out. I jump off as his body falls to the ground. I look at Owen.
"You good?"
He nods, but his attention suddenly shifts to something behind me. I turn to see Mills looking at us with fear in his eyes. Good. He turns to someone else and shouts at them.
"Get this thing out of here!"
I see another guard pull the lever back, and the Indoraptor's cage starts moving out of the room.
"That thing can't leave this place," Owen says, and he runs for the guard. I watch for a moment as he just punches and throws his way past three guards, but more keep coming. I run past them, managing to dodge their punches as they seem pretty occupied with Owen. I grab a chair once I get close to the guard at the lever and I swing it at him, slamming it into his head. He stumbles back and falls to the ground, but he's not unconscious yet. I grab the lever and push it back, and I look up into the cage. My eyes meet those of the Indoraptor and I freeze. My mind flashes back to when the Indominus Rex hatched, and I could see the malice and coldness in its eyes. This is far worse than that.
Suddenly I'm grabbed from behind, and I grunt loudly as I'm slammed into the wall. I hear the crackle of a taser, and in a split-second reflex I jerk my knee upwards between his legs as hard as I can. The taser drops to the ground and a low groan escapes the guard's throat as he slowly loosens his grip on me. He sinks down a bit as he is overcome with pain, and I use this moment to punch him in the face, hard. He's knocked to the ground, and as a last measure I kick him in the gut as I walk away from him.
Owen rushes over and rips some cords away from the controls for the lever, locking the cage in place on the tracks. The majority of the crowd has fled from the room, and many guards lie on the floor either unconscious or in too much pain to stand and fight. Owen looks to the dinosaur and then to me.
"You good?"
I nod as I take a deep breath.
"Good. Come on, we gotta get back to them."
Owen and I spot a door nearby that leads to a staircase. We go up a floor and find ourselves in the same halls as before, but yet unfamiliar.
"Claire?" I call out, and my voice echoes around the halls. We turn a corner and almost literally run into them.
"Are you guys okay?" She asks, clearly concerned, even though neither of us are significantly damaged.
"Yeah, but we gotta go," Owen says quietly, and begins pushing us in the direction Claire and Maisie just came from. We rush through the halls for a few minutes, not really knowing where we're going, until we turn a corner and see a labeled door.
"There, go go go," Owen whispers to us, and we all rush for the door.
"Stop!" An unfortunately familiar voice stops us. We all turn and Owen immediately stands protectively in front of all of us. Claire pushes Maisie behind us as we all face Mills and his guards.
"You all... you fucking deserve each other."
Excuse me?
He stops and looks between us.
"Maisie, come with me"
"You got your money," Owen breathes out. "Walk away." Please do.
Mills sighs in annoyance.
"What are you gonna do, huh?"
"We're going to stop this," Claire informs him, and I glance at her to see her inching closer to Maisie.
"How?!" I can see Maisie flinch out of the corner of my eye as he raises his voice. "What, are you going to go back in time before Hammond decided to play God?! You can't put it back in the box!"
"We have to try." How Claire can be so calm and optimistic is a mystery to me.
"It's too late. Maisie, come." Mills snaps and points to the floor in front of him. All three of us get closer to her and stand in front of her, and I can feel her hand close around my wrist. I may not know her that well but I'll be damned if I don't keep her away from this asshole.
"Ohh, so you're gonna take care of her now, huh? You have no idea what she is." My hands slowly clench into fists at the tone he's using. He's about to be hit so hard he'll see stars for a week. "What do you think drove Hammond and Lockwood apart? Lockwood never had a grandchild."
I look down at Maisie to see her just as confused as we feel.
"He just wanted his daughter back, and he had the technology. He created another."
I glance at Claire to see her eyes wide and confused.
"He made her again."
I turn back to Mills just in time to see the Indoraptor come out of nowhere and grab his two guards, their screams echoing down the hall with them. Mills jumps back and Owen pushes us through the door, slamming it shut behind us. Him and Claire push a locker in front of the door and the three of us start running. Owen and I glance back to see Maisie leaning against the wall with a terrified look on her face. A pang shoots through my heart as I race over to her. I put my hands on her shoulders and meet her eyes.
"I know this is scary, but we have to go," I speak fast but gently. She gives me the most subtle nod, but I take it.
"Good, let's go."
I grab her hand, and we run.

Hide (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom)
FanfictionBook 2, sequel to Run The park is gone, the dinosaurs are left alone, the island is erupting. Sadie has finally begun to find peace in knowing that she'll never return to the island, that she'll never see Bella again. She's settled into her new lif...