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      Doron let out a roar that carried over the village and echoed for miles as he flew over head, circling around the village. Veracon and Ragon joined in the circling as we looked down at the village below. People quickly started emerging from their homes, looking up at us as Lucy, Jules and the rest of their group joined us, flying just above the buildings that made up the village. 

"Take us down!"

Doron broke out of the circle and set down at the villages edge, his massive tail knocking trees to the ground with man accidental swipe as he stretched his wing for me to slide down. As I stepped foot on the ground, my legs shaking from not moving for hours,  the countless villagers came running from their homes to greet me as the others flew around over head.

"That's Jessica Albo!" One woman shouted.

"And that's a dragon!" Added a young boy as he enthusiastically pointed at Doron.

I was confused at how excited he was to see Doron, before I realized that this was likely his first time seeing a dragon in his life, after having heard stories of dragons saving the world he would grow up in. I stepped out in front of Doron and shafted my bow into the ground beside me before raising my arms up to speak.

"Hello all! My name is Jessica Albo, and I come before you to ask your young men to volunteer to aid me in defending our land once again! Several years ago, many of you fought along side me to ward off an enemy that, for many years, seemed unstoppable! But, thanks to your determination, and your sacrifice, our world was saved, and our freedom regained! Now, after several years of peace, a new threat has made itself know, coming from the endless sea that surrounds us! Over the psst several years, many of you who were once young children have aged and matured into capable young men! Now, I asked that you give yourself to the greater good, and fight Beside me! All who accept this task, please step forward!"

There was a silence for a moment, with only the slight murmuring of people in the crowd. Several men looked around at one another, without saying anything. For a moment, I feared that they would all refuse and leave us to fight off the enemy ourselves. But just as I thought I should turn and leave, one man stepped forward and began to speak.

"I was just fifteen years old when my father left to battle the king, under the wing of your dragon. He never came back to us, but I always liked to believe that his death meant something. Something real. I must ask, what is this new threat?" He asked.

I plucked my bow from the ground and walked up to him.

"Ships. Thousands, maybe more. They come from a land far away from here, ravaged by a civil war that drove the king and his people to our land generations ago. Now, another of the groups involved in the war has stumbled across our land, and the weapons they yield will be the last thing many of your families see if we do nothing to stop them. We are facing a power far stronger than anything the king who destroyed our lives ever could have hoped to have. If we don't fight we die. The choice is yours. Make it." I said.

He froze for a moment, contemplating what I had just said. He slowly looked up at me before, before he gradually started nodding in agreement. I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"I'm sorry about your father, but his death wasn't for nothing. If you wish to come along, return to your home, and gather a horse and your weapons." I said softly.

He turned and ran back through the crowd and into the village, disappearing into the mass of people.

"Is there anyone else? Who is willing to fight for your families freedom?!" I shouted.

One man shouted out in agreement, followed by several more, then a few more. A few men stepped out and turned back to the crowd and held up blades they already had with them, before shouting over the crowd all at once. Almost instantly, the crowd erupted in cheers and chants as men rushed back into the village, returning not long after on horse back, armed with bows, swords and spears. Some were kissing loved ones goodbye, others standing emotionless, waiting for what was to come. Several families wept uncontrollably, fearful of what could happen to their loved ones. I looked to Doron, before mounting the dragon as he turned to his side, allowing me to face the crowd. I knew many of them probably wouldn't be able to hear me, but I decided that one last speech to inspire them would do no harm.

"We have taken our land back from evil once before! Now, on this day, history will be made once again! Each and every one of you will be remembered as the brave men who fought for your families freedom, and for some of you, who died for your families freedom!"

I held my bow high above my head as the men chanted war cries. Doron let out a roar that carried out to the horizon before spreading his wings and taking to the skies, in pursuit of the next village along the coastal forest. Once before, so many had died to what we thought was an unstoppable threat. Now, once again, I knew many would die horrific deaths at the hands of our enemy. I just hopped it wouldn't be for nothing.

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