9. Positive Signs

Start from the beginning

Demi arrived back nearly ten minutes later with a bag in her hand and I immediately got to it.

We waited five minutes as the instructions on each box said, and as every second ticked I felt my heart beat faster and faster.

When the timer finally went off, I closed my eyes and threw my hands over my face. ''I can't look.''

Demi put her hand on my shoulder and asked me if I wanted her to do it. I nodded and waited to hear the news that would ultimately change my life for forever or not.

After a few seconds of silence, I finally opened my eyes to see Demi staring at me. ''Well?'' I asked nervously.

''I..I'm so sorry, Sydney.'' she said with a sympathetic look. ''They all show the positive sign..You're pregnant''

I threw my arms around her and just cried. How could this be happening? All I wanted was to get away from Dylan and yet somehow he still finds a way to sneak up into my life.

''Do you want to talk about it, Sydney?'' she asked sadly as I let go and stared at myself in the mirror.

''Gosh, I can't stand being called that any more!'' I said angrily, letting all of my emotions out. I was angry, sad, confused, and happy all at the same time and I had to let it out or else I was going to lose it.

''What do you mean?'' Demi asked.

''My name is Selena, not Sydney. I ran away from my home back in Massachusetts, well more specifically from my husband.'' I said, the tears stopping as more and more anger filled me.

Demi just stared at me with a surprised reaction, which I suppose was to be expected. ''Wha..what..why would you do that?'' she stuttered out.

''He hurt me and I couldn't deal with it anymore, so I left.'' I said coldly, thinking of all the times I had been hurt by Dylan, physically and mentally.

''What do you mean he hurt you?'' she asked, probably trying to wrap her head around the thought of why someone would just leave their whole life back home to live undercover here.

''He hit me among other things.'' I said with a shrug, not wanting to go into detail about it. ''I have a scar on my back and plenty of other places too if you don't believe me.'' 

''Of course I believe you! You're name may be different but you're still my friend...Selena.'' she stated as she looked at me.

I nodded and looked down, not knowing what to say.

''So..the baby..it must be your husbands, then?'' she questioned.

I nodded and continued to look down. ''He's the only one I've ever...been with, so yeah. The sad part is though, that I remember that night perfectly. I didn't want to..you know, but he started getting all aggressive like usual so I just went with it and this is how I'm payed back. I thought by running away I'd be able to forget about him but I guess not.''

Demi just looked at me sadly and embraced me tightly. ''Everthing's gonna be okay, Selena. You have lots of options here. There's adoption, keeping it and raising it yourself,...abortio-''

''No, I would never do that!'' I replied, cutting her off.

''I didn't think so, but you still have a lot of time to decide on whatever you think is best, so don't stress yourself out right now.'' she responded.

I nodded and let her go as I made my way into my room, plopping down onto the bed. ''On another note, I'm glad you know the truth..It's comforting being able to talk about it with someone.'' I stated sheepishly.

Demi plopped down beside me and nodded, ''I'm glad too that I can help...You know, you're a lot stronger than you think, Selena. Whatever you decide, it'll be the right choice, I'm sure of it.''

''Thanks, Demi.'' I replied, staring up at the ceiling. Deciding to take a break from everything, I closed my eyes and began drifting off to sleep.


''Hey, man.'' I greeted Zayn as I walked into the store.

''You'll never guess what happened this morning.'' he replied looking over at me, eager to tell.

''What?'' I asked.

''Demi came in here buying a bunch of pregnancy tests..you don't think her and Niall are expecting, do you?''

I looked at him and shrugged. ''Honestly, I don't know..I'm happy for them if they are, though. I think it'd be nice to have more kids around here.''

''Well Perrie and I are getting married in just a couple of months, so we'll be starting a family soon probably. What about you and Sydney?'' he responded.

''What about us?'' I asked.

''You think you'll ever have kids with her someday?'' he asked.

I never really thought of it before, but I actually would like to have more children in the future..and maybe Sydney was the one that'd be happening with.

I shot Zayn a smile and nodded, ''Yeah, maybe one day.''


So, since I haven't updated in a while I decided to write again today. Plus, now that I have the whole chapter guideline thing it's a lot easier to update. Anyway, I'm sorry this chapter may seem short and that there was no Harlena scenes! I promise more will come up in the future.

Please comment any ideas/opinions you have, vote, and follow! Also, I'd really love to know what you think about the whole Selena being pregnant thing and that she finally told someone who she really is, so comment below!

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