Chapter Five: Meeting the Boys

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Chapter 5: Meeting the Boys

(A/N: No author's note.. well, I guess I have one now.. this is awkward. Don't forget to comment/vote! I like talking to you guys, grapeheads. :) xxox)


After the boys left, me and Jesse decided to make lasagna, taking Louis' advice and making eight layers instead of just five. When it was done, it was too high to cut so we just stabbed our forks in it and pigged out. You could say we were a bit messy..

I smiled thinking about last night. Now, Jesse is in the shower, while I'm blow-drying my mane of a hair. Today is the day we get to meet the rest of the boys! So stoked! (A/N: Hmm..stoked. New favorite word.) I wonder if they're as odd as Zayn and Louis. Speaking of them, I need to text one of the hoodlums and see where we're meeting. I finish putting on my makeup, which wasn't really that long. A bit of mascara there, little of the eyeliner, done!

I pull back my hair for now, because frankly it's in my eyes. As I finally come across Louis' contact in my phone, I burst out laughing! "Swagmasta from Doncasta" with a little red heart after it. That's original! I text him and asked him what we were doing, putting a little note after that I liked his contact.


From: You: 

Hey "Swagmasta" where we meeting at? And what time? And for how long? Why aren't we more organized?! Oh, and yes I did see your little contact. ;)

Reply: Swagmasta from Doncasta:

FINALLY. I was wondering when you would see it. And me and Zaynie-poo are picking you up and taking you out to eat to meet the boys. Dress like.. um, hawt. Typin' like a hipsta. Crap! Time. Hmm, how about 7:00? Kapeesh? And however late we want to get home! PARTTYYY. :)

From: You:

You're so messed up in that noggin' of yours. And sounds great! I always look "hawt", it's Jesse that needs work. ;) jk. See you in three hours! 

Reply: Swagmasta from Doncasta:

Be nice to Jesse! SHE IS A NICE LADY. See you soon lovely. xox


Jesse has already came out of the shower, and looks at me like a freak as I laugh my head off at the messages, "Texting Lou?"

"Woah.. You're good." I look at her shell-shocked.

"Well yes that's true, but I was like that last night when he was texting me," she smirks, loving that she now has an even weirder best friend.

I laugh, "Well, you get to see your best friend in three hours when they pick us up to go to dinner. Wear something hot!" I yell, as she runs to her room, probably freaking out just as much as I am. Honestly, I'm a little nervous. Being accepted by two famous boyband members was all luck, but now all these thoughts started coming to me. What if the other three think we're weird? What if it's just an awkward silence? What if they don't like us? Should I even go? What if they like Jesse, and not me? Or me and not Jesse? I'm backing out. I can't do this. Nope. Not even close.

"Stop thinking. Now. You're thinking of backing out. There's nothing to worry about, hun," Jesse says, appearing in my doorway. I look up, never even hearing her come in. Sometimes, I just want to hug her for how much she knows me. She smiles, and walks away, clearly knowing that she helped majorly. Nothing to worry about, there is nothing to worry about.

I get off my bed that I was currently sprawled out on, and start to straighten my hair in the bathroom. Ugh, this is gonna take a while. I sigh, knowing I'll end up getting a chair to sit on after this..

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