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                     "DO I need to book an appointment to see you?"

She looked up from reading the file in her hand when Ginger barged in her office.

"What can I do for you, Ginger?" She asked instead.

Her focus returned to the documents at hand. It was the proposal sent by Mr. James since he wanted Kingship forwarding in all of the malls his company have in the metro.

"You're avoiding me. I've been here for three days. Let's go out sometimes."

"We had dinner last night."

"With the staff. Can we go out just the two of us?"

"I'm a little busy these days. You know how work gets most of our time."

"How about lunch? It's almost noon, anyway."

"I can't."

Before Ginger could respond Faye peeked at her door.

"Miss King, your twelve o'clock is here."

She nodded and put the documents back in the file. She stood up when she heard the door opened.

She smiled when Heidi and little Diego entered. The young boy run towards her.

"Mama K."

She opened her arms as the boy launched himself in her body. She grinned at the boy's antic.

"Hello, baby boy."

"I miss you, mama. We don't play anymore."

She pinched his cheek at his cuteness. The boy captured her heart, sealed it and threw away the keys.

Her eyes went to Heidi when she approached them. "Hey, mommy."

"Hi yourself. What have you been teaching my son, Kayla?"

She chuckled before kissing Heidi in the temple. She taught Diego to call her mama at the cost of another lego set.

She was reminded that Ginger was still with them when she noticed Heidi looking at her. She felt her stiffened when she recognized her business partner.

She almost feel guilty when she saw the pain in Ginger's eyes while looking at them. She knew that what she have at the moment was the thing her ex-wife wanted.

Ginger cough gently. "We haven't been introduced. I'm Ginger."

"Nice to meet you. My name is Heidi and this is my son, Diego." They shook hands.

"I'm Diego." The little boy repeated.

She chucked at the boy's cuteness.

"I would have a son just like him if my wife allowed me to break her shell."

She sighed. She knew that those words were for her. Ginger might be right though.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Heidi responded, trying to be oblivious.

"Nice ring." Her fiancée blushed but uttered a simple thank you. "When is the wedding?"

"We haven't decided yet."

"Mommy and mama K is getting married. Mama K said I'll carry the ring." Diego stated.

"That's right, little Diego." Kayla confirmed and kissed his chubby cheeks. The boy beamed at her.

She made a mistake when she glanced at Ginger. She saw her blinked a few times.

"C-congratulations." Her business partner said in almost croaky voice.

"Mama said I will be a big brother after the wedding. Is mommy having a baby, mama?"

"Excuse me."

Ginger turned away before they can speak a word. However, the tears that fell from Ginger's eyes did not escape her watch.

"Go. I'll be here when you get back." Heidi pushed in understanding. The young woman also get Diego from her arms.

She found Ginger in the restroom. Her sobs echoed in the small confined of the area.

"I'm sorry."

The blue-eyed woman wiped her tears before glancing at her. She also took a deep breath to compose herself.

"I thought we could have another chance, Kayla. I knew that I made a mistake when I left you. I fought really hard to break your shell. Baby, it took me years to get in."

She stood there watching her with no words to say. She wanted to comfort her but do not want to give another woman hope that they could get back together.

"That woman, she already have you in her little fingers. You gave her the things I so longed to have with you."

Kayla knew that apology is not enough for the overwhelming emotions Ginger have at the moment. Moreover, her ex-wife need to let those words out.

"I'm so in love with you, Kayla. When I left you, I thought you are going to come look for me. When you didn't, those divorce papers were suppose to threatened you. It hurts that it was very easy for you to give up on our marriage. I thought I made you love me after all those years that were together. God, I love you so much."

"If you love me, why was it easy for you to leave me when I can't give you the things you want?"

"Because I want you to see me as your wife not just as your business partner. Whenever were together, all we talked about was business. When were in bed, work is all you think about. When I told you that I want a baby, that was my way of telling you that we need to focus on our marriage." Ginger rebuttal.

She looked away. "I was about to give you what you want. I was busy with work then because I want to focus on you when you get pregnant with our baby." She uncovered.

Ginger gasped. She put the palm of her hand in her mouth to hinder the sob that was about to come out. However, fresh tears refused to be kept.

Her cries still broke free.

"Most of the people that I care about left me. That was the reason why I have a hard time letting someone in. I have loved you, Ginger. I'm sorry if I made you feel otherwise." She exhale before continuing. "I didn't chased after you when you left because you already decided that being with me is not a happy place. I signed the divorce papers because I don't want to imprison you in an unhappy marriage."

"Oh, Kayla."

"I'm so sorry, Ginger."

Ginger pull her to herself. Her warmth engulfed her being. She felt the wetness of her tears above her shoulders.

A few minutes passed, Ginger loosened her hold. She grasp her face with both of her hands. The other woman kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Go. Be happy with her." She said, tears still brimming.

"Thank you, Ginger. Someday you will find someone who will love you the way you deserve."

Her ex-wife nodded and gently remove her hands from her.

With a lighter heart, Kayla walked back to her office. Back to her little family.

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