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That night I did sleep in the pit, but not as punishment. While Gally was working on my own little hut (close to his hammock), Newt and Minho made the pit into my own little room. After two hours of working on it, all they did was made a makeshift matress out of blankets and gave me an extra one to sleep under. Not that I complained, at least I was safe.

I sit upright in my bed and look out of the bars of the pit door. Alby insisted on locking it and, although we tried, Newt and I couldn't convince him otherwise.

My mind wanders to the boy with the limp. Earlier today when I thought Chuck had gotten hurt how he comforted me. When he held his promise to let me mourn for George, a guy I never even knew. And when he clenched his fist, open and closed...

A shiver runs down my spine as I think back to the sight. Why was I so bloody terrified at a shucking fist? More importantly, why Newt's fist. He won't ever hurt me... will he?

In the distance I suddenly hear footsteps and start panicking. Does Newt know I'm afraid of him? Is it him coming to get revenge?

"Hey," Minho says and I sigh under my breath. He comes closer to the pit door until I could see his face.

"Why so relieved? Thought I was your boyfriend coming for a late night visit?"

"Ok first of all," I say, holding my pointer finger out, "What boyfriend? Secondly, if it was my boyfriend, why would I be relieved that he isn't here?"

Minho chuckles before putting his hand on his hip in a exaggerated manner.

"Well," he says, trying to mimick my voice by making his higher, "Firstly oh my gosh I'm talking 'bout Gally. Oh my gosh your so cute," I roll my eyes at his attemp to be girly. He continues, "Secondly, because Alby wouldn't approve of mid-night kissing. But really, oh my gosh, I think it's so unfair!" he says in the girliest tone he can conjure, causing me to laugh a little.

"Oh my word Minho," I giggle, "Gally is like a brother to me. I can't really have a boyfriend right now... but either way, I wouldn't choose Gally..." I pause and turn to Minho. A mock-serious look covers my face as I jokingly say: "Don't tell him I said that,"

Minho snickers and lifts his shoulders, "Tell him what? All I heard was that you're available." A grin spreads across his face and I roll my eyes.

"No Minho, I'm not available," I say with a joking tone and he pulls his face into a pout. Once again, I roll my eyes.

"But why?"

"I don't like, liking prople," I say and Minho stares at me with a shocked expression. Sighing, I try to think about a way to explain it to him, "Just like all of you guys, I can't remember a bloody thing before this. But what I've learned in the past years is that, I don't like emotions. They cause us to be at our strongest, yes, but they also leave us at our weakest. And over all they're just gross,"

Minho looks at me with genuine concern and his eyes filled with sadness. I couldn't really see why, but the sadness suddenly turned to anger and yelled from the top of his lungs.

"IT WAS HIS SHUCKING FAULT!" he screamed and ran of. Silently I stay still where I sit, planning even faster on my escape route...

(Minho's POV)

A realization hit me just then.
I really do love (Y/n).
In my dream the previous night I saw her suffering because of Newt, I couldn't handle it.
Now she says she doesn't like emotions?

No, she's afraid of emotions, because the last time she really felt them she got really hurt.

I feel the anger boil up inside me.

"IT WAS HIS SHUCKING FAULT!" I scream and run towards the Homestead.

As I near the old building I spot the back of Newt's head and rush towards the blonde. The closer I get, the angrier I become. I know I loved (Y/n), I love her still, why I don't remember. All I know is that Newt hurt her and that he'll pay for it.

Weirdly he doesn't move. I know he hears me, the whole shucking glade probably hears me, but he still doesn't move.

Less than 2 meters away from him I come to a hault. Something isn't right.

"What do you want Minho?" Newt says, his voice as cold as ice. I swallow once to try and keep my fear at bay. This isn't Newt.

"Did you see what you did to her?" I suddenly say, more confident than I feel.

"Did you see how she looked at me?" the blonde boy says, his voice now filled with sorrow. He shrugs lightly and turns to me. His eyes were wet and red, "I heard what she said, she's trying to be brave. Maybe she doesn't even know it. You said I hurt her. Maybe... maybe you shouldn't have saved me when I jumped. Maybe I deserved to die."

My heart suddenly softened for the bly with the limp. Even if we were having a rough patch, he was still my best friend,

"No Newt..."


(A/N) Sorry for the very very delaid update. I'm actually very busy and studying for final exams... So I know this is a very klunky chapter. Btw I also kind of have writers block, like I know where I want to get but not how to get there. Pls comment on what you think should happen between Newt and Minho

Till next time

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