Chp.5 Looking for The Hero

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The next morning, Star and Marco woke up and went to the table and eat some breakfast.

Star: How are you feeling Marco?

Marco: Feeling good.

Star: OK, just wanted to know.

Marco: Besides, I'm really glad that (Yn) kid saved our lives.

Star: Yea, but I'm just so curious about him.

Marco: Like?

Star: Like, We want to know more about him, Especially me.

Marco: We don't see him around in echo creek, maybe he's new.

Star: I don't know, I mean where did he learn how to fight like that, how is he so strong and how can he cast spell?

Marco: Saying all that makes me wanna know too.

Star: So, are we down to go look for (Yn)?!

Marco: I mean yea.

Star: Great let's go!

Star grabs Marco's Hand and rushed to find for (Yn).

*10 minutes later*

At the park, Star and Marco were on the search, looking for (Yn).

Star: Nothing?

Marco: Nothing.

Star: Damn it, where can he be?

Marco: Why are we looking for him at the park, can't we just look for him some where else.

Star: Trust me Marco, He should be here.

(Yn): Looking for me.

Star and Marco Looked up in the tree and found (Yn).

Star: Hey, its you.

Marco: Hey there, we meet again.

(Yn) jumps off from the tree and lands on the ground on feet.

(Yn): We meet again ... Star and Marco.

Star: I see you know our names already.

(Yn): Indeed.

Marco: Hey dude, why are you at the top of the tree.

(Yn): So I can seek people that needs help.

Star: So your telling me you were here all day, and all night.

(Yn): Yes.

Marco: Aren't your parents worried about you?

(Yn) closes his eyes slowly once he heard what Marco said.

Marco: Uhm ... (Yn)?

(Yn): Don't worry about that. What I want to know is why are you guys here, what is the meaning for you guys to come see me?

Star: Well, before we tell you, we were wondering if you can come with us to Marco's House.

Marco: Huh?!

Star: Give me a second.

Star Huddles up with Marco for a conversation.

Marco: Star, are you sure you want him to come to my house?

Star: Of course, why? You don't want him in our house?

Marco: No, its not that its ... Well, he kinda smells.

Star: Hmm, yea you have a point, you can let him borrow your shower.

Marco: What?!!

Star: Please

Star gives Marco the sad puppy eye face.

Marco: *Sigh* OK OK, I cannot say no to that face.

Star: YAAAY, Thanks Marco *Hugs Him*

They went back to (Yn).

Star: Hey (Yn) So, you wanna come with us?

(Yn): Sure why not.

Star: Great! Come on.

Star grabs (Yn) from his hands and leads him to the House.

*10 minutes later again*

They got to the house and Star and Marco introduced (Yn) to the house.

Marco: Welcome to Mi casa.

(Yn) looks around the house.

(Yn): Wow...

Star: I know, its big huh.

(Yn): Y-Yea.

Marco: OK, so if your gonna be here, Tell me when was the last time you shower?

(Yn): Sh-Shower??

Marco: Yea, you know ... washing yourself up, making yourself clean? I mean cmon dude, don't you shower at home?

(Yn): I ... Don't have a home.

Marco: What???

(Yn): I don't have a home, like I said.

Star: So, where do you live?

(Yn): ....

(Yn) stayed quiet for a few minutes and looks at the window.

Star: (Yn)? Is everything OK?

(Yn): ... No.

Marco: Dude, you can tell us, We wanna know more about you.

Star: Yea, like we wanna know everything about you.

(Yn): *Breathes and inhales gently* OK, I'll tell you about me.

Star and Marco sat down on the couch to hear (Yn)'s Past Story.

(Yn): but what your about to hear is the truth, nothing but the truth.

End of chapter

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