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There were exactly two students who considered themselves enemies since the start of Junior year. A certain strawberry blonde-haired boy and a red head.

Asano Gakushuu was the boy everyone feared. They'd all look up to him like he was God. They'd all make way for him and his friends to walk pass the hallway in ease.

The Five Virtuouses. The top five students of the prestigious Kunugigaoka Junior High.

These five were the top of the school rankings and we're part of the Students Council. And Asano Gakushuu was none other than the top one.

This guy was literally first in all subjects. With his leadership and intellect, he became the Student Council President. Everyone adored him.

Well, almost everyone.

"Y/n." The girl flinched when hearing her name getting called. She turned around in an instant. "Yeah...?"

Her eyes made contact with the pair of purple orbs. His eyes were sharp like usual, no emotions amidst of its beautiful color.

"I'm guessing you haven't done your homework yet."

Gakushuu let out a scoff as he looked away from the girl. "I remember reminding you last night to do your homework. Not to mention, I literally offered my notebooks for reference. But it seems like..."

He looked down at the girl's desk. On top of it was an opened book. The page filled with tons of blanks, waiting to be answered.

"It seemed like my reminders were useless..."

"Well." Y/n gave him a grin. "Are those notes still up for offer?"

"Most definitely not."

As you can see, these two have some kind of bond. Gakushuu would like to refer Y/n as a close acquaintance, the girl referred Gakushuu as a close, childhood best friend.

"What a meanie," Y/n cooed as she gave Gakushuu a nasty glare. "Just so you know, I wasn't able to do my homework because I was watching that one movie you lended to me a few days ago."

"I never said you had to watch the movie yesterday." Gakushuu rolled his eyes when hearing her pathetic excuse. "Classes will be starting soon. Shouldn't you answer? You're parents might—"

"They won't care." Y/n waved her hand. "As long as I don't mess with their careers, it's okay."

Gakushuu gave the girl a sharp look before standing up. "I should go to my seat now. Classes are about to start soon, so.." He then gave her a notebook. "You can have these."

"Oh wow." Y/n's smile widened upon seeing the multiple answers written on it. "Thanks, Shuu!"

"Yeah." The boy then walked away, leaving the girl in a state of happiness.

"Now that I think of it..." Y/n's ears perked when hearing the person behind her speak up. "... You're pretty short—"

"No way!" Y/n tried to kick his leg, though he managed to dodge it right on time. He stuck out his tongue teasingly as he raised his box of strawberry milk.

"Yes way!"

Akabane Karma. The red head who always managed to annoy Gakushuu everyday.

This guy had the same level of intellect as Gakushuu. Though when it comes to attitude and behaviour, Gakushuu can top those off neatly.

This guy was also Y/n's closest friend, with that, he can bother Gakushuu whenever he wanted.

"To be honest, you're just really tall, Karma." Y/n frowned as she looked up at the boy's mercury eyes. "Nah, actually, I think I'm just really short."

"I don't tell lies, Y/n." Karma smirked as he grabbed the girl's hand. "Anyways, let's get going. I'm waiting for the new release of..."

Unbeknownst to them, someone had been watching them closely from afar.

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