Chapter 10; Library Research

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Previously on "Enlightenment"

Speaking of her friends, only a few more days because she can finally go on vacation for once. Visit her mother who has fallen ill in the colder days. Have Jenny drive up from Star City. Letting Iris and Jenny introduce her to the infamous Barry they keep speaking about. Maybe a tour of the city before the snow hits.

Everything is starting to look up for her, at the same time, everything is going down hill. The mystery about Mike mainly causing that saddened mood. According to her two best friends, Natalya needs to loosen up and forget about him. They say that she is acting like he is her ex-boyfriend or something. That usually gets a snort out of her.


"WHATS YOUR DEAL?" Natalyas horse whisper made Mike freeze on the spot. Not knowing how to respond to the orphanage worker. Fists clenched to her sides and eyes staring at the floor. Over the past twenty-four hours, the two have not been getting along very well. Bickering and arguing everytime they were alone.

The two weren't close, that sadly did not stop the pointless arguments. Putting up a cheap facade around there boss and children. Bickering like an old couple on a falling out after twenty years of marriage. Oddly specific, but still true for them both.

At this point, Mike has had enough of her charades for the day. Wanting to burn her alive, painfully and slowly at that very moment. Everytime she even uttered a word, it fueled the fire in him. At the same time, his melted at the sight of Natalya. Mike doesn't know why, but he can only imagine the snarky response of Leonard Snart if he asked him. Even if he could ask his old friend, it would not be easy to track him down.

A simple phone call to the criminal would add suspicion to Mike. That is the last thing he wants at this moment. Natalya already hot on his trail, not wanting to leave any more footprints. Unfolding his arms that were wrapped tightly against his chest, he goes back into character. Back into Mike, "Nothing, kids are just a lot of work..."

Mike almost broke character, the words he just said are all just lies. If he had it his way, the orphanage would be up in flames. The world would be up in flames. His one dream is to watch the world burn. Lately, that dream shows a small woman standing next to him. He cannot make out what she looks like, but she's there.

"Orphanage.... The orphanage!? Really! Come on Mike, that can't be the only reason you have been a complete ass," her arms tightly crossed, a frown settled on her face. Short brown hair that was once tucked behind her ear is now falling in front of her eyes. Framing her strong jaw line, making her brown orbs pop more. To anyone else, Natalya Roman is a gorgeous woman. To Mike, he doesn't know what she is to him.

Mike doesn't reply, all he did is stay frozen in place and stare down at Natalya. The look in her eyes reminded him of his fire. The way her lips were pursed, made him soften up his expression. Letting out a sigh after few uncomfortable minuets. Letting the character Mike take over. This time, he feels like Mike and himself are slowly merging together around Natalya.

"Drop it," the force in his voice makes Natalya jump. Staring up at the large man in fear, in horror of who, or what, he really is. In her mind, this could just be who Mike is, and the real him is much worse. Or, perhaps she could be wrong about everything. He could just be a normal guy with abnormal mood swings and should see a therapist.

With one last, painful breath, Natalya huffs, spinning around on her heel and walking away. Arms crossed and head held high, Natalya let's a small smile slip through her angry demeanor. Small tingles of electricity racing up and down her spine. The thought of Mike even speaking to her brought butterflies to her stomach...


The sweet bitter silence cascades over the room like fog. A few people littered the room in the small library. Some sitting, others searching and checking out books. Natalya sitting in the back corner papers and books littered the small space. Her pen lightly tapping on the wooden table. Slowly turning into a beautiful melody.

No one notices the small act, only Natalya knowing. Letting the small sound flood her ears. Distracting her from her thoughts and research about Mike. Her last source not helping the tiniest bit. The old couple not even uttering a word besides that Mike Fullman isn't his real name.

Finally, she let out an irritated breath, dropping the pencil on the table. Not caring about the mess spread out around her at that moment. Natalya knows she isn't getting anywhere in this small town. Central City most likely helping her in the search. Luckily enough, her vacation to that very city is less than 24-hours away.

The thought of leaving the kids for a long period of time frightens her. Not fully trusting Mike with them any longer. Mrs. Brooke won't help much at all, always locked up in her office anyway. There are very few older kids in the orphanage. Still, this very few teens will bring hell upon Mike. Natalya is the only one who knows how to control them... A skill she should of passed on to Mike when he first came.

Her head drifts to the side to glance at the black rimmed clock near the exit. 8 pm, the Library closing in a mere half-n-hour. A small lead in Central City the only thing she could find. At this rate, the thought of being a detective is out the window. With one last blink of the eye, Natalya began to pack up her things. Putting the books into neat piles and stuffing papers into her bag.

With one last glance at the stack of books, she turns on her heal and walks towards the exit. Heels clicking on the wood floor, short hair swinging side-to-side. The slight bounce in her step becoming more obvious as the excitement grew. In the morning, a new adventure would start.

The only thing Natalya could think of as she walked was the letter the old lady slightly mumbled... 'M.'



I got so bored writing the ending, I bet you can tell XD! Again if you ever had interest in making a cover for the book go ahead. I don't care. If you ever wanted me to use it, put it in one of your books or something and tag me. All honesty, I don't care... Remember to leave a star, comment and share to all your friends and family!


Sorry it took so long to get this one out! The last chapter has been hard to write and school is always getting in the way. Thank you!

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