Letter To Annie

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To my Annie,

From the hour my pen has touched this paper, to the moment the last drop on the last word has dried, know that in this time, I have loved you, Annie, with clarity and conviction to the physical limits of my passion. 

You were the true great adventure of my life. My sun. My miracle. And with your passing, my world has fallen to intolerable silence. It has drained me and I shudder as though clutched by disease. 

My heart forgets to beat and I coax it to life with promises of you. The hair you ran your fingers through once, wilts and crumbles in agony. The flesh you once kissed has dried and hangs upon me, gray and lifeless. 

To what horror have you left me, Annie.

I am in pain, my love, dying piece by piece, waiting for an end to bring me to your arms or oblivion. And I fear dying alone, Annie. I am so afraid. 

I have bled rivers of ink to hold a part of you to me. I have turned the walls black with wasted words and now I understand that there are no words to match you and the pictures I keep fade and the last wisps of your scent fade from my breath.   

To you I write what may be my last letter. For tomorrow, my life may end or a memory dim and I pray that it be the former I face. These thousand deaths would rot the core of my soul. I love you now as I always have and the ink shall bear witness. I have shouted these words into the abyss and they will survive me and the world and time itself for they can not be taken back. And the stars will forever echo your name. The immortal debris will know to its core that I have loved you, Annie.

And when this letter is done, I will break this pen and burn my empty pages. For with you are all my stories buried. All my words are forever yours. 

From the last clean atom left in my heart,

Your Sarim

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