Becoming Friends

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Jack Skellington:

Going over Jack's house was something you haven't done in ages. Seeing how everything is where it should be and nothing has changed. Being able to catch up was great to do with him. Hearing about his day and exciting news from the past you never heard.

"Maybe staying longer wouldn't be such a bad idea?"
And you just said that out loud. Good job.

"You're considering staying longer in town?" He questioned curiously.

"Yeah, I think so. Maybe even mov-" Before finishing your sentence, Jack blurted out in excitement,

"OH MY GOD! That would be amazing if you moved back into town! We could plan Halloween together again!" Then realizing he blurted out before you even finished your sentence.

"I'm so so sorry (Y/n), I got so excited that I cut you off."

"It's okay. I know how you get while pumped up. And yeah, maybe if I think about it more, I'll consider moving back into town."

"I'm so glad to hear that."

Sally Finklestein:

You wait patiently for your clothing to be tidied up. And to your surprise, it doesn't take long for Sally to sew and fold your clothing for you.

"Thank you so much! How can I ever repay you?"

"Oh no need (Y/n), it's all in a day's work."

"How about I take you out to lunch? My treat."

"I suppose I could take my lunch break now. Thank you. You're to kind."

"It's nothing! Just taking a hard working woman out to lunch."

Sally blushes with your remark.

You both talk about your day to day lives in town and how you contribute to the holiday.

After, you walk Sally back to her sewing shop. She says to you,

"I had such a great time with you. I hope we can chat soon."

"I'll come by tomorrow if you don't mind, I had a great time as well."

"I don't mind at all, I'll see you then!" She waves and you wave right back. Excited to see her once again tomorrow.

The Mayor:

You walk into the town of Halloween with the Mayor. Talking with him seemed to lower his anxiety until he asked the question,

"I was actually wondering, why are you visiting the town today?"

"I'm here for the first meeting of holiday lead-"

His face switched to his unhappy one as he said,
"I'm so sorry I didn't realize you were a leader! I should of realized it the moment I saw you, and cut you off I'm so sorry!"

"It's alright. You have nothing to be sorry for. And now we're even since I cut you off first. I didn't get to apologize for that, I apologize for interrupting your train of thought earlier."

"That was just rambling, I wasn't thinking at all." The Mayor looked at his hands, fidgeting with then. Going into a small shock, then blush when you hold your own on his and go down to his height level.

"Everyone thinks a little differently." Taking one hand and placing it one his shoulder.

"And that's alright Mayor, we all have a process. And mine is to walk in a circle for a hour until I realize I've been going in a circle for a hour and getting dizzy to then fall right on my butt."

He turns his head, giving you a small grin.

"You're a comedian aren't you?"

"I try."

Oogie Boogie:

Arriving to the tree house, you see Oogie going walking towards the lower level. Once inside, you look in awe at the casino. He grins,


"Yeah. I thought this would be a dump. It's surprisingly nice to look at."

"I'm guessing that's the best compliment you can give?"


Rolling his eyes, as he takes you to another room. He places you down on a nearby chair.

He quickly assess and tends to your injuries. And he does it pretty well; better than you could ever do.

"Thanks man. I'll be headed on my way now-"

"You sure about that? Maybe rest a day or two here before heading back." Oogie suggested.

"Stop worrying! I'm perfec-" Taking one step on your own and you trip and almost fall due to a twisted ankle.

"WHY didn't you tell me I TWISTED MY ANKLE!?"

"I thought I'd be funnier if you figured it out on your own. And it was!" He said quietly chuckling.

"You motherfucker. I swear one of these days I'm gonna beat you."

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