Awkward encounters

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I was awoken this morning by a handsome idiot. 

"Morning Sunshine! The earth says 'Hello'" 

"Damn you James!" I said rolling to the other side of my bed. 

"Language Miss Lewis"

"Get the eff out of my face Mr. Connor"

James chuckled then placed a mug down by my bedside table. I glanced at him through the corner of my eye. 

"What's that?"

"It's tea. One drinks it in the early morning to prepare one's self for one's day"

"Is it hot?"


"Shame. I was about to chuck it at your face!"

James laughed louder again and pulled the duvet off of me! Violation anyone?! I moaned in protest but he ignored me and picked me up out of bed. 

"What are you doing!"

"Getting you up"

"Normal people set alarms!" I grumbled trying to fix my hair and not breathe in his face.

"But we're not normal" He said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Fine. This time you win!"

James carried out of my bedroom and into the bathroom. He then had the cheek to get my toothbrush shove it in my mouth and squeeze toothpaste into my mouth also!!

"Mmmm Hmm Mhmm Hm!"

"Sorry Charcoal. I didn't catch that" He said walking out the room.

I continued to brush my teeth after he left but he had soon returned with clothes! I rolled my eyes at him and spat into the sink. 

"What the frick is this!" I said gesturing to the clothes in his arms.

"What you're gunna wear. I know you girls take ages to perfect yourselves so I just picked what I thought would look nice on you. Turns out I didn't need to put in that much effort"

I smiled at that comment and took the clothes off of him. "Thank you"

I looked through what he'd picked out. My ripped skinnies, navy easy fit top and blue pumps.

I went to look at him in gratitude when I saw that he'd picked out underwear. A matching lacy black bra and knickers!

"James!" I said realising he'd taken the time to find matching. Pervert.

"What! I no longer have to imagine what you're wearing. I know"

I hit him out of the bathroom and got ready. I surprisingly took me hardly any time at all. I put on natural makeup and trotted out happy with James' combination of clothes. Oh God. He's probably gay. Stop thinking that Charlie!

"Ready Charcoal?" James said checking his phone. He was wearing chinos(The nice kind), An abercrombie and fitch top and Vans. He looked hot. Luckily my top was Hollister so I fit in slightly.

"Yeah. You look nice" I said trying to sound casual. I don't think it worked.

"Thanks. You look hot" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and pulled on a cardigan. "Wait! I'll be right back" 

I clambered up the stairs and am now filling you in on my morning. Got to go.


So this is how the rest of the day went...

James and I wandered through town for a while, looking into shops and tasting ice cream from shops trying to compare them to the Brighton one. 

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