Everything was going great until this moment.
My lying had been benefiting me in ways that I hadn't really considered possible. The sessions with Dr. Brooks moved much faster since we no longer argued. She'd made my visitor list more open for everyone to come see me - and they did, every opportunity they had. I managed to get my phone from the Laundry Room and would sneak to make calls to my friends and family long after they'd leave.
Everything was fucking wonderful.
So wonderful in fact that I practically danced my way towards the Psyche Ward. This day held what would be my very last session - in the institution - with Dr. Brooks and if it went well I'd get to walk out a free woman immediately after.
These sessions had been going so well that my money was on this being an incredibly easy and simple process. However, the second I opened the door I found that I was dead wrong.
Right across from the desk, on the other side there were three chairs lined up. Two of which were occupied already by a couple of gentlemen that I could've mauled to death had she not been there.
"Hey, Blake." Triple H gave me a courteous nod, with his hands deep in his pockets, while Ambrose's eyes trailed over every inch of my face.
I didn't exactly want to speak too quickly because my mouth wouldn't filter itself in time. So after a few seconds of staring, I looked at Dr. Brooks.
"Not that I mind," I lied. "But what are they doing here?"
"This is the final step of your recovery," She explained. "If all of the treatment has worked, this small meeting won't pose a threat to you."
I glanced to them and saw a slight smile working it's way onto Trip's ugly ass face. He wouldn't win this round. Straightening my slumped shoulders, I made my way to the last available seat.
"Hello, fellas." I nodded at them, putting on my best genuine pleased face. "Been a while since we last saw eachother."
"You look better." Ambrose noted.
"I feel better. Both mentally and physically."
"That's great to hear." Triple H said, shifting in his seat. "How has it been in here?"
"It's helped me to grow as a person." I sighed. "Between the therapy and having alot of time to think, I have come to finally fully understand that I was in the wrong. I should have never put my hands on Dean."
In the corner of my eye I could see the slightly confused look he had given me. At that point, I managed to turn my head - without vomitting - to face him fully.
"Truth be told, I had my own issues that I was dealing with and I know I should've resolved them better. And for that, I do apologize."
"I accept your apology." He said, slowly. "Truth be told on this end too, I really want you to become a part of my life. For a very, very long time."
I could feel a small thrill swirl around in my gut. That was a dangerous statement.
"And in order for that to happen, I need you to be comfortable with the woman that will be in my life forever." He touched his chest, shaking his head. "Anna is my entire world."
Don't throw up, I told myself. "I realize that now."
"I'm glad that you do."
Somehow, by the grace of God himself, I made it through most of the session. It was tough, especially since I wanted to kick my bosses' teeth out and stuff Dean's hair in the empty space.
The topics and questions kept me busy enough though. I put on a great act, one that caused both of my special guests to actually be convinced. Bad part is that I convinced Dr. Brooks a bit too much.

Fanfiction"Everybody's damaged. It's just a question of how badly, and whether you're healing or still bleeding."