The Mysterious Hero: Chapter 33

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The smell of strong antiseptic made my nose scrunch in displeasure. When the smell didn't float away, I twitched. My hand automatically moved, swaying back and forth to get the smell to dissipate. Suddenly there was a sharp prick in my arm, and I dropped my hand. I moved to sit up, but hastily stopped when my bones screamed in agony.

Someone called out my name, but I couldn't hear them clearly. I felt as if I was pulverized by a baseball bat. I coughed, feeling my throat was as dry as a desert. Something thin poked at my lips and cold water swished inside my mouth.

After swallowing the mouthful of water, I forced myself to open my eyes. My eyelids felt extremely heavy like I was lifting a garbage truck up all by myself. Once my eyes were completely open, I had to blink a few times to get the haziness to go away.

Something squeezed my palm, catching my attention. I looked to the side of me, finding that Adam was sitting on a chair next to the bed I was planted in.

His black eye was less puffy, but still swollen. The cuts on his face were patched up with little pieces of gauze. Adam wore a new, clean shirt. On his wrist was a green cast with several signatures in black on it. Along the cast was a hospital tag.

My gaze shot back up to his face, looking into his eyes. Adam's eyes were filled with tiredness, but one emotion was clear in there. He was worried. About what?

I switched my gaze and looked around the room. I was sitting in a hospital bed. An IV was stabbed in my arm, along with some other tubes. A heart monitor sat to the right of my bed, quietly beeping every few seconds. I reached up to touch my head, feeling a bandage wrapped around it.

"Adam..." I whispered, reaching out for him.

He immediately pulled me in for a hug, crushing me. Pain shot through my body, but I pushed that fact to the back of my head, and I hugged my brother with shaking arms. I didn't know why, but tears spilled out of my eyes. It was just an emotional moment for Adam and I.

"Lila, I was so scared," Adam murmured, brushing my hair with his hands. "Don't scare me like that!"

I pulled my face away from Adam, staring up at him. "What do you mean?" I croaked out.

Adam frowned and looked at me curiously. "Do you not remember what happened?" he asked uncertainly. When I didn't answer, he jumped from his chair. "Oh, no, do you have amnesia?"

I closed my eyes and the memories instantly flooded my mind.

Mr. Malum and his evil plan, his creepy warehouse, his chemicals, the secrets, Adam getting beat up, the fighting, Luke driving a Porsche into the building, the warehouse catching fire, and us speed chasing after Celle...

I remembered everything.

"I-I remember," I murmured, leaning back in the bed. Adam stopped pacing around the room once he heard those two words leave my lips. "I remember everything."

"Lila, I'm sorry," Adam whispered again. "T-The things that happened are just so insane." His eyes watered. "I can't believe that some psycho man...did all this."

I looked away from his worried gaze. If I had told Adam that I had a stalker, then maybe all this could've been avoided? Me in the hospital, the pain that I brought upon my brother, and some other things wouldn't have happened. If I had told someone with high authority, then maybe the warehouse situation wouldn't have occurred? I could have prevented anything further from happening, if only I just told the authorities. If only...

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