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(Monday December 24)

Mai's POV

"You're standing under mistletoe." Chan said as I walked through the corridor.

I was going to the kitchen because I felt bad that Hyunjin needed to do the dishes on his own, so I wanted to help him. But Chan made me stop on my way.

I looked up and a saw a green leaf hanging on the light. It was a mistletoe. And as they say, it's tradition to kiss the nearest guy when you walk under a mistletoe.

Chan took a few steps closer to me and took my hands. He looked at me straight in the eyes asking for permission.

I had never done this. I had no clue what I was supposed to do. I just stared back at him as he came closer and closer, standing only a few inches away from me.

He came closer now but he missed my lips and went for my cheek. "I'm not going to kiss you as long as you don't give me permission, you can just tell me if you don't want to kiss yet."

"Sorry." I said with apologetic eyes.

I felt bad and embarrassed at the same time. It's just that I had never kissed before and I wanted to be ready when it happened. From now on I had to prepare myself because any moment he would want to and I had to approve. But a small detail is stopping me. I have been thinking a lot about this, and how cruel this may sound, I can't help it.

I have no feelings for Chan. No matter how sweet he is to me, I just don't feel it. The only thing I feel is guiltiness.

"You don't have to be sorry, if you don't feel ready, I am not going to force it. I still like you a lot even if we don't kiss." He putted his hands on my cheeks and afterwards hugged me.

After the hug he turned around and walked back to felix and I walked to the kitchen to see if Hyunjin needed any help, and to distract me from what just had happened.

"Need any help?" I said as I walked in the kitchen.

"Oh, no I'm almost done anyway. Thanks though." He said.

"It doesn't look like you are almost done." I said as I looked at the dishes that were nothing near done.

"Well- if you insist." He said stopping what he was doing. "In that drawer are the kitchen towels."

I walked to the drawer and took out a towel and started to dry the dishes and placed them in the right place.

I felt a drop of water hit my face. When I looked up I saw Hyunjin smirking at me. He threw a few drops of water on me again as he laughed at the situation. I glared at him and didn't react on that.

He kept on going so in the end i filled a glass with water and threw it in his face. His shirt and face were now wet and he just looked at me with his mouth open.

He wanted to fill the glass with water to throw at me for revenge. Before I could run away, the wet ground made me slip and fall on the ground, breaking two plates in process.

Hyunjin directly came down to sit in front of me. "Are you okey?"

"Yes, I'm okey. Just a little hurt." I said.

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