The Next Generation

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"FUCK YOU!!!!" the petite blonde screamed and she yanked on Regan Malfoy's black hair, punching her face as she came down.

"Oh no you don't" Rose Weasley said as she pulled the girl back by her wavy blonde hair and pinned her to the ground.

The grounds of Hogwarts were being witness to quite possible the biggest and worst fight in all its history. Well besides the whole war thing 21 years ago. It consisted of over 11 girls and 11 boys. But the boys werent exactly gentlemen so they were actually fighting some of the girls. It wasn't exactly the kind of fight which is 1 side against the other but it was instead different phrases that threw a person or two into the fight.

"You arrogant piece of shit!" Regan yelled trying to punch one of the Potter boys, but as she launched herself to hit was pulled down by a raven haired man with circle glasses, looking very exasperated.

"SPLIT UP ALL OF YOU!!!" The elderly headmaster yelled loudly and Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom and Blaise Zabini pulled all the kids apart. "TO MY OFFICE THIS INSTANT!"

"Shove off!" Regan yelled and pushed Harry away.

The teenagers trudged into the headmaster's office and sat down wherever there was space, Regan stood at the back with arms crossed, the Weasleys sat clumped together, as did the Potters.

"Explain yourselves this instant!" the headmaster screamed, a few strands of hair were loose of her tight bun.

They all began to speak at once.

"SHUT IT!" the redheaded man yelled "Rosie your take?"

"Why Rose and not Lily?" the raven haired man asked.

"Alice never lies" the blonde man remarked.

"Sure she does!" one of the boys said "she lies all the time!"

"Frank!" Alice hissed, she was short with chubby cheeks and and medium length blonde hair that were usually in low hanging pigtails but was currently loose.

"What?" he asked defensively. The young man had taken after his mother mostly, not going through the awkward stage that his father had. He was tall, slim and broad shouldered, with short brown hair that he wore in soft spikes.

"Well if you want these idiot's versions then you'll never get the truth" Regan said and rolled her eyes.

"Shut up Weasley-Riddle" Lily Potter said, narrowing her eyes. She was a small girl taking after her mother with long bright red hair and brown eyes, with a spattering of freckles all over her body.

"Don't call me that, stupid cow" Regan said with a threatening tone.

"Daddy! Did you hear what she called me?!" Lily asked her father.

"Lily how many damn times do I need to tell you not to call Regan that?" Harry asked his daughter exasperatedly.

"Why are you defending HER and not me?!"

"Stop being so dramatic Lils" her oldest brother said "I'LL tell you what happened".
He had taken after his father and grandfather with messy black hair that refused to stay put, brown eyes and the signature Potter circular glasses, he was also tall like them with the build of a quidditch player.

"Oh no you wont Mr.Potter! You certainly took after your namesake!" the professor said.

"Ok then me!" the youngest male Potter said. He looked identical to this brother though shorter with green eyes minus the glasses.

"You took after them too!"

"Regan explain please" The dark skinned man said, no longer the condescending jerk he'd been in his school days. The war and parenting had changed him into a kind man having very little to do with his elitist past.

The Odd ChildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora