"So are you guys going to teach me to hunt?" I asked when we were a good distance away from the camp.

"Yeah." John replied. "But you're going to be horrible at first."

"I'm horrible at everything when it comes to first time tries." I said, grinning.

He grinned back. "Speaking of which, you should have seen me when I was younger. I actually managed to trip on a pebble and crash into a tree chasing a rabbit." He laughed.

"Oh yeah! I remember! Wasn't it during the Annual W.I.T Hunting Competition?" Ginger asked, laughing as well.

"Yeah! We were in the same team right? If I remember correctly, our team had me, you, Kiana, Brandon, MistWing and Mouse." He replied, smirking.

"You guys were on the same team? How many teams were there?" I asked.

"There were four. Our team was Team River. I remember one of the teams were Team Pineapple. They were weird but funny people." He answered.

"What did you guys catch?" I asked also.

"I caught the rabbit I was chasing eventually, a few voles and some fish, Ginger caught a vole, squirrel and a few rabbits, Kiana caught a lot of birds and squirrels by climbing trees and stuff, and Brandon caught goats. Then we all teamed up and took out a bull that's by a farm near the edge of the territory. The king wasn't happy that we went into human territory, but he was impressed that we killed the bull, and it was tasty too!" He remarked.


"Oh!" Ginger exclaimed. "Didn't the King say that the next Annual W.I.T Hunting Competition is coming up? In three days I think!"

"Really? Do you have to sign up though?" I asked.

"Yeah. But you'll do great." John said.

"But can you pick the people on your team?"

"No, it's always random." Ginger replied.

** After a Successful Hunting Trip **

As we walked through the camp entrance, I couldn't help but think that I did good when when we were hunting throughout the day. Though I really did suck at first. I tripped multiple times, crashed into trees, and did fall down the hill Shadow told us about. But the waterfall was so pretty! Like, the water was crystal clear.

"Nice job hunting you three." A voice said, bringing me back to reality. I turned and saw that the King was the one that spoke. I tried to saw thank you, but I was holding prey - which didn't actually taste bad, considering I was a jaguar right now - so it was more mumbling then talking.

"He means to say thank you" John said. "Right?"

I nodded.

The King chuckled. "Heh. You're welcome. Also, the Annual W.I.T Hunting Competition is in a few days, so get ready." He said. Then he smiled and walked away

** Night Time **

I walked around camp aimlessly, wandering and checking out all the dens (Exept the Leaders Den, I'm not allowed to go there unless I have a specific reason) while John and Ginger were out doing a patrol or something like that. I even went to the Nursery and had a conversation with Raspberry. I was going towards the W.I.Ts den daydreaming about my new home in MythicClan. But to be honest, wouldn't I miss my home and old life back in the human world? My mom and dad...... Jay... How can I just forget them? I crashed into somebody, so I looked up. Standing there and staring at me was a tiger sized cat who had faded stripes on its tail.

"Uh.. hi?" He said.

"Uh..... sorry I crashed into you, I was daydreaming and wandering around since I have nothing better to do" I said, looking down.

"S'cool, Kiana bumps into me on a daily basis. She's actually pretty clumsy." He said.

"Your friends with....." I said when I remembered something. "Is your name Brandon?"

He looked at me. "Yeah, why? Also, aren't you that new kid who joined the Clan earlier?" He asked.

"Yeah. Also, 'cause earlier, when I was with my friends, Shadow came up to us and asked if we knew where her mom was. Then when she left I asked who she was, so my friends told me a little about her and that you were her friend." I replied.

"Oh, then yeah, my name is Brandon and I'm friends with Shadow. Also," He said, crouching so that he was on the same level as me, "You better hope that you get Kiana on your team for the hunting competition. She's one of the best hunters, plus, she'll be helpful when the "surprise" pops up."


"Yeah, every year we do something different to make it more challenging." He said, his eyes glowing mischievously.

"Uh.... I don't know if I want to sign up anymore.." I said nervously.

"Aw c'mon, the competition is going to be fun!" He said, bumping me with his furry elbow. Do cats even have elbows? I don't know.

"I guess." I said, yawning. "I'm going to sleep. I'm tired."

"Kay. G'night" Brandon said. Then he turned and padded away.  I turned and walked to the den, and when I got there, I went inside and layed down on a empty nest of moss. I was way more exausted then I expected, because  as soon as my head it the ground, I fell right alseep.


Yooooooooo!!! Another crossover Pawsome People! :D

Also, someone explain to me why I'm thinking about The Lion King and potatoes?? X3

Anyways, I might be publishing chapters for this story more then a heroes journey until I catch up and publish chapter 7 or something. Either way though, SPYRRP!

(Stay Pawsome You Radical Random Person!)

Oh! And if you see any mistakes, comment them! I'll gladly appreciate it!
                         ~   .+•FireSpirit•+.

The Enchanted Forest {{Cancelled UFN}} Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora