Chapter Ten- Idiots

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The next morning I woke up, my hair a complete mess. I tried to get out of my bed, but Devin just held me closer. "Stay." His voice was hoarse from just waking up.

"I need to fix my hair, you idiot." I said, as I struggled to move.

"No you don't, you look beautiful."

"Haha, your funny. Now let me go."

"But I want you to stay!" He whined like a little kid. I tried to push him away, but he turned me around to look at him. "Stop struggling, Adria." His voice was soothing.

"Fine." I said, just before he pressed his lips against mine.

"Now I'll let you go." I felt a smirk form on his lips.

"Thank you!" I said, as I slowly got up. I then realized my shorts were riding up my legs, and noticed him looking at them. "Perv!" I threw my pillow at him, grabbed some clothes and ran to the bathroom.

I threw on a plain white t-shirt, a red plaid shirt over it, like a jacket, black pair of leggings, hiking boots and my black glasses. I brushed my hair, left it down and brushed my teeth. I walked back to my room and cracked my door open. "I'm back." I said, as I walked in. Devin was still laying there in my bed. "Put some clothes on."

"But you like this."

"But you're an idiot. Go put on a shirt, at least!"

"Fine," He crossed his arms like a five year old. "but I'm changing in here."

"No, your changing in the bathroom."

"Nope." He said, he shut my door and began to get changed. I turned around.

"Seriously!" I said.

"Yep." I could tell he was smirking. "You can turn back around now."

I turned around as he pulled his shirt on. He had on some grey jeans, a white t-shirt and grabbed a tan leather jacket, after he slipped on some black sneakers. "Thank you." I smiled.

"You seem to be saying that a lot, but all for the wrong reason." He smirked and walked towards me. He tried to kiss me, but i put my hand there instead.

"I'm hungry." I said.

"You're needy."

"I need food to survive."

"Fine, we can go out to eat, I have my car."

"Yay!" I hugged him, then stepped out of my room. "Mom! Devin and I are going out to eat."

"Okay! Bye honey." My mom said.

"Bye mom."

Devin and I walked to his car, he held my door open for me.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

"Anything for you." He said, then kissed me.

"You're annoying."

"Thanks!" He said, smirking. He got into his side of the car and began to drive.

Started With A Smileحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن