Chapter Eight- Hiding

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At school, I started sitting in the library for lunch. I never normally ate anything as school cafeteria food is disgusting. So reading in the library seemed like the best option. I still loved my best friend like a brother, but I just needed space from everyone. I distanced myself from everyone I was close with, my mom, Ana, Devin, and Corey.

When science class came around, Mr.Shue was partnering up two lab groups for the next project which was something about DNA. "Adria's group and Corey's group." He went through the whole list. "Now get to work!"

"Excuse me, Mr.Shue, I can't really work with people right now, can I do this project on my own?"

"In the real world that would never work, but since you are my top student, I guess you can."

"Thank you." I weakly smiled at him and sat on the floor near my desk as they got my desk.

"What are you doing, hon, we are working on this together." Devin said.

"Mr.Shue said I could work by myself." I still didn't tell Devin what Corey said, I couldn't. I tried not to make eye contact.

"Oh...OK." Devin said.

"We should... Um get back to work." I heard Corey say.

After class I handed in my project. I always work faster on my own. Everyone else still had Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to work on them.

I rushed out of the class, books in my arm. I was about to close my locker, but someone grabbed my wrist.

"Let go!" I said sternly.

"Now that's not how you talk to me." Someone said right behind my ear. Their breath, and words brushed right past my ear, making me shiver.

"Just let my wrist go." I said, sternly again.

"Come on beautiful. Talk to me with some respect." I could tell it wasn't Devin. This guy, from what I could tell, had a bit of a Spanish accent.

"Let. Go. Of. Me." I needed to get away and into a group of people, before something bad happened.

"What are you gonna do, Princess? Your boyfriend and best friend are already gone, Ana, she left too. All that's left is you and me." The voice wouldn't let me see his face. He turned me around, now noticing it was Luke, one of Devin's football buddies, and pinned me against the locker. "Come on, let's have a little fun." His eyes trailed down my body and he bit his lip.

"No. Get off of me, Luke!" I tried to kick him, but he trapped my legs against the locker.

"You are helpless." He said. His brown eyes twinkled with mischief. "I'm in charge."

"Get the fuck off of me!" I said.

"Oh, she swears?" He smirked at me. "Why not play, little girl?"

"Get off of her!" I heard a voice. The same voice that saved me last time, 3 years ago.

"Or what?"

"Or my fist is going to find its way to your face."

"Wow, I'm so scared. Little nerd boy tries to protect his best friend little nerd girl. You don't scare me." Luke now had his back on my chest, looking towards Corey. He still had me pinned to the locker. Being unable to move made me want to cry.

"Get off of her, now!" Corey came closer to Luke.

"No!" Luke yelled.
Corey swung which made Luke fall to the floor. "Stay away from Adria. And never, never touch her again." Luke ran off.

"Thanks, Corey." I looked at the floor. "I have to go home. Bye Corey." I flashed a warm, friendly smile at him and waved at him.

"Bye Addi."

Started With A SmileDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora