Chapter Five- Awkward

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I finished eating lunch, my best friends texted.

*in text*
C=Corey Aa=Ana A=Adria
C- you home addi?
A- yea
C- can I come over?
A- sure
A- you too ana?
Aa- sure
C- on my wayyyy
Aa- same
A- see you idiots in 5
Aa- see you❤
C- soon😂
*out of text*

"Tell her!" Corey said.

"What?! Tell me what?" Ana asked.

"Umm. Well..." I said.

"Well what?" She gave me the best friend 'what aren't you telling me' stare, which worked every single time.

"I'm dating Devin...." I looked down at the floor, blushing.

"What Dev-"

"Ding ding!" My phone went off.

*in text*
D=Devin A=Adria
D- Hey you❤
A- hey I'm kinda busy rn, corey and Ana are over
D- can I come over, I wanna smooth things over with them
A- maybe lemme ask
D- ok
A- they said sure.. corey says he's sorry
D- be there in 10❤
A- see ya
*out of text*

"Hey." Devin stood in my doorway, smirking.

"Hi." I blushed and looked at the floor.

"Okay, you guys can stop doing that. Hi." Corey said.

"Hey..." Ana awkwardly waved at Devin.

"Hey. I never got the chance to introduce myself. I'm De-"

"Yeah, we know Devin King. Captain of the basketball team and football team. Used to date Kloey. Ended when you realised you liked my best friend. We all caught up now?" Corey seemed a little frustrated, Ana touched his arm.

"We need to talk. We'll be here." Ana said pointing to my old storage room, where I used to store old toys, books, bored games and so many more things.

"I wonder what that's about." I said.

"Its you..." Devin mumbled, but I could still understand.

"Me? Why me?" I asked.

"Either you don't know your best friend or your blind to love. Corey is angry about this. Us. Even though you said he was fine with it. He has feelings for you, Adria!"

"Because I thought he was. And I know my best friend very well, well enough to know that he doesn't like me. He's like my brother." I said. I was arguing with him, and we just started dating last night... I. Hate. Highschool.

"So... Um, you guys wanna play some Mario Kart?" Ana asked.

"Sure, Nintendo 64?" I asked, I loved this game system. Sure, the graphics were pretty bad, but I knew these tracks inside and out. Sadly so did Ana and Corey, but I beat them most of the time.

"Duh!" Ana said. She rushed down to my basement and plugged in all the controllers.

"First!" She called.

"Second!" Corey said.

"Third!" I said.

"Forth?" Devin said confused.

"What number player you are, gaming idiot." I said, swatting at his shoulder.

As usual, Corey picked Toad, Ana picked Luigi, and I picked Yoshi. Devin, probably confused at how to control this dusty machine, picked Peach, Princess Peach. We were racing on 'Moo Moo Farm' which is my overall favorite map.

"You guys ready to loose?" I tormented.

"Yeah!" Corey said. "Wait, no!" He said laughing. We all started to laugh then the starting noses went off. The race began. Devin, unsure how to play, went back words, Ana got hit by my shell, Corey and I were neck and neck. I ended up winning.

"I let you win!" He said.

"Ya and I let you loose, what's your point?" I said, laughing.

"Sore  loser!" Ana said, pointing to Corey.

"Well, I have to go home." Corey said. "My mom said you to Ana."

"Ugh! Bye!" Ana said.

"Bye guys." I said.

"Bye." Devin said to them. "Now we are alone." He smiled at me.

"Yeah, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. He said. He leaned in to kiss me. I backed up slowly. Not wanting to have my first kiss yet. " I... I'm sorry. I just like you so much." He checked his phone. "I have to go... See you later. Beautiful."

"Stoppppppp." I groaned. "But bye." I said.

I looked at the ceiling. Moving to fast... He tried to kiss me.

Started With A Smileحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن