"Of course! Blaine and I'll be there in 20 minutes!" He hung the phone up before I could answer.

"Um, okay?" I said putting my phone back in my pocket. I went on my dresser and opened the top drawer. I got 7 pair of panties, 5 bras and 3 pair of socks. Then I went to my closet and got my black tennis shoes, two pair of flip flops and a couple of tank tops. I put it all in my suit case and put two of my bathing suits in it. Since I was going to the mall, I decided to go help Sam pack. I went in his room to find him kneeling on the floor in front of his dresser. He had the bottom drawer pulled out and was going through it. I sat across from him and asked,

"What'cha looking for?" I asked.

"I'm trying to find two of my trunks, which I can't find." He said.

"Well, why don't you come with me, Kurt and Blaine to the mall? I need some new clothes and I might buy a few more dresses and another bathing suit." I said.He looked up and thought about it for a seconds.

"Okay, I'll come. I still have some of that money from Christmas. I'll probably buy me a few pairs of shorts and some shirts." Sam said. I smiled.

"Awesome." There was a knock on the door and I realized that it had been twenty minutes already. "You ready?" I asked Sam. He put his shoes on and nodded. We went downstairs and Sam opened the door as I went to the kitchen where the adults were.

"Mama, Sam and I are going to the mall with Kurt and Blaine."

"Alright, how long are you going to be gone?"

"Less than an hour."

"Oh, Okay. Y'all be careful."

"We will." I went outside and got in the back of Kurt's Black SUV with Sam. Kurt started the car and drove off. When we got to the mall, we split up again. Sam and Blaine went to Sears and Kurt and I went to Forever 21. We looked through the clothes and then Kurt squealed. I looked at him and he held up a white see through shirt and a purple tank top with white short shorts.

"I like that, how much is it?" I asked.He looked at the tag and said,

"25 dollars."

"I'm gonna get it." We shopped for a little while. By the time we were done, I had at least 8 different outfits, including shoes. Then,we met up with Sam who had two bags,while I had four.

"Y'all ready to go?" Sam asked. I looked at the other couple who nodded. Sam grabbed two of my bags for me and ran off so I couldn't take them from him. I giggled and followed him. When we got home mama was in the living room, dancing around while she cleaned. She looked at us and blushed.

"Hey mama. Nice dance." She blushed again.

"Brenda, go try on your new clothes and come show us!" Kurt exclaimed. He pushed me into the downstairs bathroom and slammed the door shut.

"Really Kurt! You had to push me into the bathroom? Again!"I yelled. I put the outfit on the sink and took my clothes off. I put the on one of the outfits and picked up my phone and walked out of the bathroom. I strutted out holding my arms out. I put my hands on my hips and stood in front of them. Kurt was taking pictures of me. I started posing. Sam whistled and I laughed. After I tried on all of the outfits, Blaine and Kurt left and Sam and I finished packing. Later that night, as we were laying in his bed I asked,

"Are you nervous about meeting my family?" He twirled some of my hair in his fingers.

"Kind of. I mean, with the stories you've told me about them, I don't think they'll like me, or like that your boyfriend and his family is living with you." I scoffed.

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