Saving The Velociraptor

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Brian's P.O.V:

At first he didn't believe me and started to laugh, then he saw it for himself. The poor thing was covered in cuts, bruises, spider bites and scars. We proceeded to the raptor but it started to freak out and screech. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you, we are here to help you." I said to her and reached for her head. At first she flinched away from my hand but then she went to smell my hand. She put her nose in the palm of my hand and closed her eyes. My partner creeped around to the other side of her to try to take off the choke chain from her neck. She struggled away from his grasp and stood up. I picked her up and hugged her close to my body to keep her from struggling. My partner worked fast to try to get the collar off. He eventually got it off and we both stood up to get the velociraptor to the car and to the Animal Rescue Centre to help her get proper care.

The Velociraptors P.O.V:

I'm scared and confused. These humans took me from my home. I got outside and the light blinded me. My eyes finally adjusted to the light and I could see trees, grass and the house that I called home. The warmth of the outside filled me with something that I never thought I would feel, joy. The human carrying me and the other human with him brought me to a car and put me in it. The guy that was carrying me was sitting with me while the other guy was driving. My vision was getting blurry and I felt sick. Everything was getting dark and I fell and passed out.

Amber The VelociraptorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora