"let's have some fun," taehyung said is a sarcastic voice, grabbing my arm as we walked into the house.

the music only got louder as you walked in, as we walked through the crowds we saw some familiar faces, people that you could call the more popular ones. we got some weird looks, some people recognizing us. i rolled my eyes as i followed taehyung into what seemed to be a kitchen area.

"im gonna get us water just to be safe." i nodded at taehyung's words, seeing the bottles of liquor and beer laying around, some of this shit could be spiked.

i looked around the place, it was big for sure, there were people in the living room who seemed to be passing around a blunt, as another group was playing spin the bottle, two out of the group aggressively making out. i cringed and looked to the back of the house, there was a large pool. some people were noticeably naked and others fully clothed, next to the pool was a ping-pong table that had a small group of people around, likely watching whoever was competing.

"jimin, you see that dude tonguing the other girl," taehyung says handing me one of the two water bottles in his hand,"ew."

i laugh shaking my head, taking a sip of the water. we had decided to explore the house, not wanting to really interact with any other people. we went upstairs which had multiple rooms. two out of the three bedrooms were occupied, one with more than two people. a bathroom and a large study, the walls were lined with books and had two couches facing each other, in the middle was a desk and a nice leather chair matching it. the balcony was what excited me, it looked over the backyard, taehyung and i watched everyone. saw a girl throw up, a kid get pushed into the pool, and pretty sure someone's dick.

taehyung's laughter broke my thoughts, "jimin look," i looked down to see jaegun throwing up next to the ping pong table and his buddy patting his back. "fucking idiot."

"you know we're going to have to take care of him right?" i laughed as taehyung groaned.

my laughter and taehyung's pain was interrupted by a few loud cheers. we looked down to see jaegun on one side of the table, tae's beloved min yoongi on the other side, and the rest of the serens. stupid name, i know.

the serens was your cliche bad-boy groupie of our high school. almost every girl and guy dropped on their knees for this group, whether it was out of arousal or fear, for some, both. it was made up of some of the smartest kids at our school, surprisingly. min yoongi was there supposed leader, year four, suppose to graduate but because he put a kid in a wheelchair after he decided to cheat off of the scariest dude in the school and get caught while doing so, it can cause some consequences. next was kim namjoon, year four as well, one of the most smartest people to walk in our school, but not someone you want to mess or play around with, your life would be ruined. lastly, the most intimidating one and the only year three, jeon jungkook. i hated him the most, how he showed everyone off and got by everything so easily. he was the quietest but everyone feared him the most.

unlike the others and taehyung, i hated this group. i hated how much power they had over the weaker ones, it was unfair and rude of them. their cockiness was on another scale, like no other. i didn't care if one of them got into a fight, didn't care if one of them fucked two people at once and definitely didn't care if one of them got a new tattoo, taehyung. as long as they stayed away from me.

"okay, i don't wanna have an unfair game," yoongi finally spoke, i can hear taehyung screaming in his head,"the dude is about to fucking pass out."

"shut up, i got this," jaegun slurs, throwing a the ping pong ball straight pass the boy in front of him.

"yeah no, can someone sober him up and get someone else in his place." he looks around and three dudes just try guiding jaegun out, who refuse pushing them off of him, walking up to yoongi who is smiling his ass off.

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