Chapter three and four

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Chapter 3

I woke up in my room, well my new room. A light blue blanket was ontop of me, and it was dark and drafty. My head ached and I had a stiff neck. Yesterdays events hit me like a wrecking ball taking my breath away. I grabbed my journal from under the matress and turned on the lamp.

Dear diary,  

Your never going to believe what happened yesterday. I saved Logan, one of Edan's friends from getting hit by a van. Too bad I couldnt save my mother like I did him. But I think a better question at the moment is what the hell is going on with me? I can feel things, stirring. I know when things are going to happen. Its not normal. Whats wrong with me? I've had feelings about stuff you know, but not like this. This is surreal. Im not sure whats happening, but Im going to find out. Im going to make sure Logans okay today. And the driver of course. I must have passed out last night because I dont remember coming home. Well back here, I don't know if I can call this home. Yet. Im going to really try this year. I dont want people to think Im a freak like they did at my old school. I want to be normal. For once. Maybe get a couple of friends, maybe a boyfriend? Im so pathetic. I feel like a whiny teenager. I suppose I am. Oh for gods sake! Im not a normal teenager! I can predict the damn future thats not normal! I give up. Already. Wow.

I stuffed my diary under the mattress, thoroughly repulsed with myself. Grams's big black cat, Jafooley jumped onto the bed. I grabbed him and pulled him to me, running my fingers through his soft fur. He purred in enjoyment and then jumped out of my arms and out the open window. I got up and stretched my muscles. After putting on my silk green robe I made my way down stairs to find Grams washing dishes in the kitchen.  

" Hey." I said, she turned around and a smile lit up her face.  

" Hi sweetie. You okay? How you feeling? You've been asleep for a while." She said to me, unplugging the sink and wiping her hands on her apron.  

" Yeah, I must have been overwhelmed." I replied. I sat down at the table bringing my legs up to me and wrapped my arms around them. 

" Yeah, what with saving lives and all. Who wouldn't be?" She said, a playful smile on her lips.  

" Mhmm." I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and nibbled on it.  

" I talked to the police last night, they want you to go down to the station sometime this morning. I'll drop you off when your finished getting dressed, thats if your feeling okay?" Grams said, her fingers running through my hair. 

" Yeah, Im fine." I replied, slowly getting out of the seat.  

" Oh and after you have an appointment with Dr. Greene afterwards." Grams said as I was leaving the room. I stopped dead in my tracks. 

" What? Grams I hate going to the damn thereapist. Theres no point!" I said raising my voice, my hand clutching the door frame. 

" I think it will help you, Daniella. You need someone to talk to." She replied her voice calm like always. 

" But it doesnt help me, it makes me feel more like a freak!" I screeched, my nails digging into the wood. 

" Do not raise your voice at me! Your going okay? Thats final." She scolded. Edan bumped into me a sneer on her face as she made her way to the fridge. 

" Going to go save someone elso today or going to see the wacko doctor?" She said, her voice shrill. 

" What crawled up your butt and died?" Grams asked, lightly tapping her bum with a rolled up news paper. 

She just rolled her eyes at me and made her way back to her room. I sighed and looked back to Grams. 

" Okay, I'll go." I said defeatedly. 

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