Chapter 34

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It couldn't be. Spencer? My black wolf was gone, and Spencer was lying in his place on my bed, covered in blood and wounded. My chest was so tight I couldn't breathe. How could this be real? Cassius breezed past me, and I heard water running in the background, but all of my attention was focused on the pair of yellow eyes that looked back at me.

I was frozen, so many emotions running through me at once. Shock. Disbelief. Fear for him. Fear of him. Terror at the thought that he might die. Grief. Deep heart-breaking grief. My hands covered my face as I bawled. Had I really ever known the real him? What was real? What were the other lies? Was the man I loved already dead, having never existed at all?

As sobs shook my body, I heard Cassius on his phone in the background. He breezed past me, and I heard water being wrung from a cloth. I sunk to the floor, unable to stand from the intensity of my crying. I felt Cassius's gift washing over me, trying to soothe the tsunami of emotions I was drowning in. A hiss of pain, more water.

"Take her out of the bedroom," Cassius spoke to someone. I was lifted and carried into the other room. I heard the door to my bedroom being shut behind us. I barely registered being held as I emptied out all the emotions flowing out of my bleeding heart. I felt a small warm hand rubbing my back, being spoken to by a worried female voice.

I don't know how long I sat there, being held as I bawled, but once my tears dried, I felt empty and dead inside. I just lay there, staring at nothing, saying nothing. I barely registered that Aurora and Micah sat on either side of me, where I rested on Dragos's lap.

I could think of nothing. No thought but the fact that Spencer was a werewolf. That he was in the other room, wounded. That I hadn't known him like I thought I had. The pain in my chest was so sharp it stole my breath. I was drowning in sorrow again, but all my tears that could have eased the pain were gone. I felt numb until Cassius came to kneel down in front of me.

I met his eyes, and he sighed, touching my head. I gave a tearless sob and launched myself into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Shhhhh, Nadya. He will be alright. He will be good as new in a few days. You can go see him now." I pulled back and looked at him with terror in my eyes. I felt relief at his reassurance that Spencer would be alright but to see him? What was right in this situation? I was terrified of walking into that bedroom. I felt like I didn't even know the man lying on my bed there. Cassius stroked my hair and looked into my eyes with his calm ones.

"He needs you right now, Nadya. Remember that Spencer is still the man you fell in love with. Go to him."

I shook my head, "I don't know what to say. What to do. I feel like I don't know him at all."

Cassius sighed, "Go to him, Nadya. If you can walk into that room and feel nothing, if you can walk right back out again, then you will know that you never knew him. But if you walk in there, if you go to him when he needs you and you find you can't leave, then perhaps there is something there to redeemed." I swallowed, still afraid.

Cassius guided me to the bedroom with a hand on the small of my back, the other held out before us. He opened the door and gave me a reassuring nod before I stepped into the room to see Spencer. Cassius gently shut the door behind me, and I looked over at the bed.

Spencer lay propped up on some pillows with the covers of the bed covering the lower half of his body. A new comforter was on the bed; the other blood-soaked one had been removed. He had a bandage around his chest where the silver blade had made the deep cut. His left shoulder was wrapped up, and that arm had been wrapped to his body to prevent him from moving. Other minor wounds all over his body had been cleaned but required no bandage.

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