Parent- Teacher Meeting

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A month later, Scott was waking Sonny up for school.

"Come on get up for school" Scott said

"You told me I didn't have school today" Sonny whined

"You don't But we have to go meet your teacher. Now get up and get dressed while I wake Ma up" Scott told her

Sonny got out of bed, Scott walked into his and Malia's room.

"Malia get up" Scott said

"Why do we have to go talk to her teacher" Malia asked sitting up in the bed

"Because we have that paperwork to give her and we have to find out how Sonny is doing in school so far" Scott explained

"Okay" She sighed, standing up

She kiss him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Come on we need to go or we'll be later" Scott said pulling away from the kiss before kissing her again quickly.

Scott walked out the room as Sonny walked out her room

"Ready to go" She asked him

"I am but she isn't" Scott said pointing back to Malia, laughing

"Hurry up mommy" Sonny said from the door way, Malia smiled

"I will go down stairs and wait" Malia told her.

It was still strange for Malia and Scott to hear someone call them mom and dad.Sonny and Scott walked downstairs. Malia got dressed and walked downstairs.

"Okay you ready to go" Malia asked

"Yes" Sonny answered

When they arrived at the school, their was a long line of parents. Who was all a lot older then Scott and Malia. They signed in then waited for the teacher to call them in. They waited for about forty five minutes before the teacher called them.

"Good morning, Miss Kaye" Sonny smiled walking into the room

"Good morning Sonny" Ms Kaye said

"Good morning" she said to Scott and Malia

"Good morning" they replied

"Sonny why don't you go play with the blocks" Ms Kaye suggested

Sonny ran off to the blocks station and Scott and Malia sat down by Ms Kaye's desk.

"Okay well she is adjust really well... but she drew this picture that concerns me" Ms Kaye said pulling a paper from her desk drawer

"What is it" Scott asked

"Well we was drawing out family and from what she told me it just you three but she drew all this extra people" Ms Kaye started

"Who are they" Malia questioned

"Well I wrote the names she told me.. do either of you have a brother" Ms Kaye went on

"No neither of us do why" Scott said

"Well she draw an uncle" Ms Kaye replied handing them the paper

"It was an uncle Stiles, Derek, Aunt Lydia, Uncle Liam, Hayden, Theo, Cora, Peter, Henry, Melissa, Allison, Brendan, Chris, Noah, Mason, Riley, Reign Isaac and Corey. So I just want to know if these are imaginary people or real people" Ms Kaye told them

"Yes these are are real people, Stiles is my best friend and Lydia is his fiancee and Noah is his father. Melissa is my mom and Chris is her husband. Peter Cora Derek and Henry are Malia's family. Braeden is Derek's wife. The rest are our friends" Scott explained

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