Chappie 2~

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(Oh, and it will be in Liams POV through out the story, unless I say otherwise. In italics are thoughts with each other. )

Everyone got in the PJs, as the girls used the bathroom to change. The lads got changed in there rooms, and Josh got changed in Zayns. I was sending death glares at Louis, but he would just give this devious smirk.

"Liam, you do know that I love you right?" He snickered, when I mumbled a yeah. Ok.

I got in a jumper, and some jogging pants, and exited to go and sit on the couch when I saw Lynn and Zayn talking. I know its nice to eavesdrop, but hey, Lynn looked depressed!

"Zayn, can you just please let it go!" She yelled, voice sounding broken. Zayn chuckled, and replied,"You know I wont do that. Really, whats wrong? Is it about Lilo?" I heard muffled cries, and Zayn shhsing (I think that's how you spell it) and I sighed. So it was about Lilo. I wonder what happened..

Once the crying stopped, I heard Lynn speak again. "S-She.. she is in t-the h-hospital... S-She has some t-type of d-disease, and t-they are trying to c-cure her now.." She stuttered, as I looked at them. Zayn was rocking her back and forth, as she was in his lap. I watched them, thinking of how I wanted that.. Ugh, Liam shutup. Lilo is in the hospital! Wait, then why would Lynn lie?

"She t-told me to n-not tell you g-guys. I don't know why, but I guess it w-wasn't to worry you g-guys." She let out another sigh, before Zayn spoke again. " Well, then if she is coming back in 2 days, then whats wrong?"

She let out another sob.. Not a good move Zayn. "What if the treatment goes wrong? What if on the way here, she gets hit by a car! Or crashes on the plane! Anything could happen Zayn!" She sobbed in his arms again, before I heard Zayn try to calm her again. " You cant think like that Lynnie. Yeah, that might happen, but it also might not. You just got to wish for the best! I'm pretty sure Lilo wouldn't want you to be like this because of her there. Am I right?" She chuckled, as Zayn wiped her the tears away. She punched him, when Zayn muffled an 'ow'. then she hugged him.

"Uh, Lynnie, your sending me mixed signals here.." He chuckled, as she laughed. I smiled, at how indecsisive she is.

"That's for being right." She replied, hearing muffled laughter again. I sighed, looking down. I wish Niall and I could be like that..

"You know, ease dropping isn't good. I'm surprised your doing it Mr. Payne." Niall snickered, making me jump. I put my hand over my chest, as Niall laughed.

"God Niall, how long have you been there?" I asked, suddenly worried. What if he saw me like I was?

"Don't worry mate, I just came up here. Why, are you jealous at a certain brother?" He wiggled his eyebrows, as I scoffed. Yeah Nialler, I'm jealous of my brother. Classic.

"I'm not jealous Ni, not at all." I said outloud, as I looked walked into the room. "I'm just envious." I muttered under my breath, as I sat down on the couch, holding a pillow. I looked at Lynn, smirking.

"So Lynnie, having fun with my brother?" I saw her eyes go wide, as they both went a deep crimson. Lynn punched my in the arm, as Zayn hit my on the back of the head. "I was kidding! Gosh, no need to get physical." I snickered, as I heard laughter from beside me, as I laughed at the 2. Its fun messing with my brother.

"Shut it Li. You shouldn't be talking! Having those dreams about the blondie that's been on your mind all summer." Zayn smirked, as I gaped at him. I then hit him with a pillow and hid my face in my knees. I hugged my shins, as I peaked through my hair to look at Niall. He looked.. hurt? No! He probably just thinking of something else... Yeah. He doesn't like me like that. No.. not at all.

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