2| Babysitter?

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Screaming and shouts of "happy birthday!" Oh yeah it's my birthday. I nearly forgot! Anyway I greet the random people I've never met before and take my gifts to my to my boxing room. Now likes get this cracking shall we? I need to find out who that 'Alex' boy is.

When I got up to the top floor, I went to my bedroom zooming past my loving aunt [note the sarcasm] and going onto my laptop where I can track and hack anything because I'm a complete computer freak! Logging into my account that allows me to hack, I get past all the bugs and security checks along the way, i get into my school computer base and try to find out more about that boy... Alex. Just as I get into our folders there are about 7 Alex's:

Alex smith

Alex wall

Alex frost

Alex wood

Alex jäger

Alex levy

Alex wildon

Looking at that, I looked at all of them but one caught my eye. Just as I was about to click onto the guys name, my parents had to call me.

" Athena we're going out and won't be back until 12:30, we have hired a babysitter for you a-"

"MUMMMMMMM! I'm older enough to take care of my self! I'm 16 years old!"

" I know honey but we have to go. He will come In about 5 minutes. Bye!"

All I could think of was who was this 'he...'

~ time skip bought to you by bellas
pikachu ~


"that must be HIM..." okay breath in and out..."
As i opened the door I was faced with someone pale. Wait... it can't be... it was him! " ITS YOU" I shout, all he did was ' Mhmmm' me! "So are you going to let me in... or?" I was speechless... all I could do was stare. As I was in my own world, I was rudely snapped out of it by him saying "hmm? Like what you see?" I just replied with my best cool attitude, saying "hmph as if, I've seen way better" "so can I come in now" "oh I'm sorry. Please come in(sarcasm). "

As he walked in I just asked if he wanted anything and he said that he wasn't hungry. Hmmmm... so before I could say anything, Alex interrupts my thoughts...

"sooo... how are you "

"good "

"umm okay? I know let's play a game"

" mhmm but I choose"




"Can't you see I'm thinking!?!"

"Okay sheesh!"

~3 LONG minutes later ~

"AHA! Let's play... hide and seek. "

"WHATTT! That's such a childish game"

I.Just. Chuckled. Lol time to ditch. I have a match to attend.
In the end he gave up. " so who's first?"
"I'll go, you count to 30 and I'll hide.?"
And him being myself, Hd said "ok sure. Whatever!"
"okay "
As I was walking I could feel his stare on me... staring at me ... perv.

I quickly run up and wait for 30 seconds to go but in that 30 seconds, I got changes into one of my most badass fighting costumes so I'm
Ready. I also pack my backpack with the needed stuff. - heh. Now all to do is to jump. Meh. I jump down from my window like a ninja and run away to the arena.

Alex's pov

"Okay times up!"


He knocks..."Athena...?"


"Hello "
Just then i barged in and kinda broke the door-sweat drops- little did i know is that i just walked into her little trap. MWHAHA!
"Athena if you are here come out, your starting to scare me. Where are you?! ". And just then is when I noticed that the window was open. Dang, she ran away. Ugh. Maybe I can find her number? Wait, I can just use the house phone.

So I call her and ask her where she is and if she's coming back and she replied with...










"No... wait hey! Not fair!" I just pouted
"Aww how cute! Okay I'll let you go... for now. Bye now." but I barely heard the last bit because it was loud in the background but I just shrugged it off. And started texting my friends on what's going on this evening.
Thanks for reading!!
— ominous

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