Lunchtime Madness

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Mei blinked twice looking around the hallway to locate the villain but she didn't see anyone. "Miss Qiang." a little voice said behind her making her scream in surprise and swing a kick at the person but her feet collided with the air. Opening her eyes she looked down at the mouse/bear/cat creature who was wearing a suit.

Mei blinked before realizing that the person was the principal she immediately bowed down in a 90 degree "I'm sorry, Mr Principal! I was startled by your sudden appearance." she apologized making the principal laugh at her.

"It's quite okay Miss Qiang, now follow me to my office to discuss some important things." the principal said leading her to the office.

"I'm not in trouble, am I?" Mei asked nervously as she followed the principal.

"Maybe, maybe not. You're going to have to follow me if you wish to know." the principal laughed but this time it was a sadistic one making her shiver internally and think about the villain a minute ago, she wondered if the principal was going to ask about him. But in her recent memories it felt as it was a blur as if she was imagining it. 'I guess I was..'

Meanwhile in the cafeteria...

"Alright Todo, you know the plan - keep Bakugou from Mei and the other way around as well. The point is just keep them away from each other and then you'll arrive at the scene and spend that time with Mei while I go and argue with Bakugou if he tries to come near you guys! Got the plan Todo?!" Airi exclaimed to her 'friend'

"How will you assure that Mei will talk with me?" Shoto asked.

"Well your her childhood friend and also you guys have a lot of things to talk about." Airi answered in a 'duh' tone.

"How will you even separate those two their practically stuck together like magnet.'' Shoto said almost in a sad tone but of course it wasn't noticed by Airi since she was too busy 'thinking'

"Easy! I'll just go yank her by the arm and tell her we got somethin' to do together. Don't you get it Todo, this plan is genius!" Airi said her finger on her chin as she posed to be like a smart, clever scientist.

"Then what was that back then." Shoto deadpanned at Airi's recent attempt to separate her from Bakugou.

"Huh?! That angry ball of issues wasn't part of the equation in the first place!" Airi exclaimed defensively crossing her arms.

"You tried to fight him instead of focusing on Mei."

"No. I was going to fight with him!" Airi said showing a clenched fist.

"It wouldn't solve anything, Mei will just get mad at you and Bakugou would be safe since he didn't start the fight in the first place unlike someone." Shoto said sarcastically.

"Well that ball of issues got saved by the announcement, otherwise he would've humiliated himself in front of Mei and I guess that's not what he wants because he 'sooo' wants to impress her ." Airi said angrily stabbing her steak with a silver fork.

"I was wondering Koizumi-san.." Shoto trailed making Airi look at him with her turquoise colored eyes "Why do you hate Bakugou so much?"

"Well you hate him too." Airi replied before shoving the fork of steak into her mouth and eating it rather viciously.

"No. It's really obvious that it's something else. Tell me. So I can understand the situation. For all I know you may have a crush on Bakugou." Shoto said bluntly but glaring into her eyes showing her how serious he was.

Airi turned her head sideways a frown on her lips as her eyebrows knitted together "I'd never have the hots for a guy like Bakugou- oh my god just the thought of it is making me think about puking! Why'd you have to put that thought into my head?!"

A Burning Desire (Bakugou Katsuki X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora