Chapter 11 Leisurely Sensual

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Do you remember the moments when you literally begged your parents to get you a phone, and then they promise to get it for you. Next day you get home from school, full of excitement to meet to your soulmate or your new phone, when you find out that they bought a phone from Walmart and it's of 'THE DINOSAUR AGE', remember the face you make at those times?

It's the same with me currently.


Hello, I'm Kate Roberts. I am a boy.
I'm ONLY 15, and I brought an 18+ porn DVD at my school. It's currently in my bag and I'm sitting inside our class for the home room, continuously praying that I get home safely somehow.


I should pray. To the father, son and the holy—

"MR KATE ROBERTS! THIS IS THE 5TH TIME I'M CALLING OUT YOUR NAME!" Mr Patrick, our Math teacher shouted.

"Present sir!" I was completely unaware of what was going on. The entire class started laughing,
"The attendance is long over. Come here and take your test paper,"

Is there any way to not take it? I'm in no mood to see how stupid I am after getting a porn DVD to the school. GOD, PLEASE STOP RUBBING SALT ON THE WOUNDS!

Sometimes I just feel that, God is a sadist who mistakes me being masochists while I'm not! I'm not a masochist guys. Even though I create 99% of my problems, I am not a masochist.

I walked to Mr Patrick with a dejected face. He handed me the paper and said, "You got a D"
Of course I got a D.
The class started laughing again.
"It's the highest score of your class."

Suddenly, there was silence.
Heh. Such that losers! Kate is above all you trolls! Everyone just stared at me as I went to my seat.

I sat down on my seat in mixed emotions of trauma and happiness. Then, I stared at the ceiling, finding cobwebs or spotting for the tiniest insect present on the Earth on the walls or on the floor. In short, my entire attention was everywhere except the whiteboard and the teacher.

Before I realized it, it was Mr Warren's class, the HISTORY CLASS! Everyone hates Mr Warren, including me, wanna know why? There's a rumor that he's an EX-DELINQUENT! But rumors are just rumors, my reason for hating him is different, you'll soon find out why I hate him.

Mr Warren entered the class and we stood up to greet him.
"Okay then, take out page number 65 and we'll continue from where we left the last time," He switched on the presentation.

I laid my bag over my desk, giving it a death stare.
"And so, during the french revolution, Napoleon—Mr Tedson," He stopped in between and pointed out Johnny Tedson, who was busy with his phone which was placed on his lap. No way can any teacher see it.

"Hey, Johhny" A girl beside him tucked his stomach with her elbow. Johhny is an Asian American who loves getting into trouble. But, he is smooth enough to walk his way out of any trouble. I know him because I went to the same violin class as him.

He can play every fucking instrument! And he played the violin so good, if the violin were a girl, it'd call him daddy. I only felt demotivated to play after looking at him. Because no matter how good you are, there's always an Asian who is better than you.

"Please switch off your cell phone," Mr Warren commanded.
"But sir, I'm not using a cell phone" Johhny said.
"Do you take me for an idiot? No one just stares at their crotch and smiles."

"Not if it's satisfied."
What the fuck does that mean?
"Keep it inside, will ya?"
"Yes, Mr Warren."

"Mr Warren, can you please move over, I can't see the board," Anna said.
"No, not at all!"
"Then, shut up!"

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