Chapter 25

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Jostice knocked three times

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Jostice knocked three times...

"If you do anythin' stupid I blow your brains through your ass," he said, yanking the Yurks index finger towards his thumb. The man groaned. "Glad we understand each other."

"If somebody's home, that'll wake 'em up," Grotknot guffawed, staring at the jailhouse door. 

For as large as the city was, and deep the streets were in crime; the jailhouse could only house a few blocks worth of people, having a Sheriff and two handfuls of deputies at their exposure. 

Jostice knocked once more and the door swung open. Standing before them was an oversized deputy whose face dribbled profusely while behind him stood a young man too clean-shaved, bright-eyed, and lean-muscled to draw fear into the Ace.  

"The Sheriff asked us to release this man into your custody..." 

Will looked at them suspiciously. "The Sheriff? Move Boris," He pushed the larger deputy aside while waving a hand at them. "Bring them in Jostice."

Boris arm flew across the doorway, "Jostice?" His face reddend. "You mean the Iron Ace? That man is a killer..."

Will leaned down to eye level with the stout man, "this man is a friend — both me and the Sheriff."

"And an enemy to the Mayor," he stammered. "Where does your loyalty lie —"

"Where does you!" Will voice rang, silencing the man. "Mine is to my you step aside."

Boris wrinkled his round nose and shifted, pulling his arm back from the door. "My apologies," he grumbled.

"Much obliged." Jostice twisted the Yurks finger and he groaned, 

Boris grimaced at the large man, whose red war paint fading though his eyes held stern.

Varko smirked at the stout man; a grunting heckle passing through his lips. 

Jostice prodded his elbow into the mans hip and the warrior near collapsed under his weight. "Move!" He dug the elbow deeper until his elbow met the mans spine. Varko groaned, moving forward 

"Where's Leslie," Will asked, pinching his lips. "Is she hurt?"

Jostice shook his head. 

Grotknot closed the door behind them, "she's not...can't say the same of her Kin."

"Rynan's hurt?" Will looked between them both. "What happened?"

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