Chapter 27- Big Reveal

Start from the beginning

Cindy nodded and with a determined look added. "Look. I started developing feelings for him and I honestly don't care what you think" The nerves of this bitch.

"You don't care what I think?"

"No I honestly don't care" Cindy answered sitting straighter on the stool. "He clearly doesn't want you so you shouldn't bitch about who he fucks. I mean he only married you because he was forced to"

Emily couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of Cindy’s mouth. She stared at Cindy like she had grown some invincible horn.  What happened to her friend? The one that listened to her and told her everything would be around when she confided in her. The one that told her to give him space to come around. It was like that person didn’t exist and probably never did. She wondered if Cindy choose to return to her life just to get close to Ash.

"And the fact that he is the father of my unborn child doesn't faze you at all?" Cindy shrugged instead. The bitch f*cking shrugged.

Emily held tightly on the edge of the counter so she wouldn't slap her across the face.

"The baby might not even be his and you know it"

All self-control left Emily as she launched at Cindy but couldn't get far because of her bump. Cindy continued despite Emily’s attempt to attack her "Stop trying to put this on him. You and his dad are making his life miserable. He doesn't want you"

Emily turned to walk around the counter so she could snatch some hair out of the broad but Ash stopped her by getting in front of her.

"Move!!" She shoved his chest. He didn't even bulge.

"You don't have to cover up what you did with his dad by saying Ash is responsible for that thing"

"DONT YOU DARE! You sorry excuse of a human being” Emily exploded pointing at Cindy.  “Mr. Hurley is an honorable man. You don't deserve to have his name in your mouth" she tried to move past Ash but he wasn't having it.

How dare Cindy insinuate that she had anything that wasn't professional to do with Mr. Hurley when she was the one that was praising Mr. Hurley's good nature? Cindy had also been the one to convince Emily to take the job when Emily was skeptical of Mr. Hurley.

"You shouldn't be mad about this. It comes with the territory" Cindy uttered getting out of the stool.  She looked ready to fight Emily as well as she tied her hair in a ponytail. "You have seen him f*ck other girls before. You know the deal."

"You are supposed to be my fucking friend. One of the very few friends I have. I trusted you. I could care less about the other girls but betrayed me" Emily stopped trying to get past Ash; the whole thing was tiring.

"You shouldn't try to fight me because of someone that isn't yours especially in your condition"

Emily wiped her face with her hand. She had gotten quite worked up tiring to bypass Ash. She felt her heart racing faster than normal and that was something she didn't want. The doctor had instructed her to keep it easy since her blood pressure and heart rate were not very stable.

She had been shocked when her OBGYN gave her that news. Emily couldn't figure out where she would have gotten such problem except that it was inherited. It must have been the same thing her mother had and why she didn't make it when she gave birth to her.

Emily leaned over the counter trying to calm herself down.  Her hand went over her rib cage when she felt the baby kick; it was the baby's favorite place to kick.

She winced slightly when it kicked again. The kicks had gotten more painful the bigger the baby got.

She continued to take deep breathes to keep her heart beating normal again. Ash didn't deserve for her to lose her life or her unborn baby. She rubbed her bump in a soothing manner hoping it would calm the baby down. 

UNJUSTIFIED HATRED {completed} (wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now