Perrie is very clearly a nervous nelly but my god is she adorable. I just want to swaddle her in blankets and rock her to sleep but I know it won't ever happen, I doubt she's even little, I doubt she even knows what a little is. She was crying into my chest and I don't know but I kept getting a fluttery feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I heard a sob escape her perfect lips. "Perrie, sweetheart. You need to calm down." I whispered and stroked the back of her head. She nodded and sat up, tears were still streaming down her face. "You're okay." I said, I wiped the tears and quickly pressed my lips against her forehead. She had so many freckles which added to her cuteness, her eyes were a shocking but calm blue, her hands were so small and precious and my god she was just so cute. "Just deep breaths Pez." I smiled and stroked the back of her hand. She began to slow her breathing, her eyes closed and she nodded shyly. "Well done." I said. She opened her eyes and smiled weakly at me. "Second time in the space of 30 minutes." She sighed and looked over at the clock on the walls. "It's alright, it's a tough day for you." I smiled, she nodded.
Night time came along pretty fast, I had some microwaveable food dishes in the fridge so I just heated them up and we ate in silence. I had learnt to know a couple more things about Perrie throughout our day. She grew up in South Shields, just like me. She has a brother and a half sister but they don't talk much, she's closer to her cousin (Ellie). She loves the colour blue. She loves music, singing and composing. She moved here because she wants to complete her dreams of being a music producer. I told her lots about me to, our bond really started to grow and she really started to get more comfortable with me, which I'm happy about. She let out a large yawn just after she finished eating and blushed a deep shade of red when I raised an eye brow at her. "You tired?" I chuckled. She nodded and looked down. "Do you mind if I shower?" She asked me. "This is your dorm to, you don't need to ask." I smiled, she nodded and walked off to the bathroom after picking up a wash bag and her pyjamas.
I decided to message my friend, we were only internet friends but Perrie reminds me of her slightly I didn't want to seem rude by messaging her whilst talking to Pez so now is my chance. She might not answer but we'll see.
Jadey❤️: Hey sweet, how you doing? XxShe didn't get an answer straight away but I did see Perries phone flash. I left it at a coincidence. I heard the shower turn on so I knew she was as definitely showering now. I decided to get some work done.
I had showered and I looked down sadly at the teen training pants in my hands or pull ups should I say. I wanted to but it on to avoid embarrassment if I wet the bed but I didn't want to put it on because I know Jade will notice, I don't want her to think I'm a baby... I'm not. I was really debating it when I heard a knock at the door. "Perrie, you alright in there?" It was Jade. "Ermmm... yeah." I said nervously as I stated at the door handle. "Do you mind hurrying up, I kinda need the bathroom." She said laughing. "Erm. Give me a sec." I said, I quickly pulled the pull up over my legs and whizzed my shirt on. In the heist, I completely forgot about pants. I opened the door and Jade stood there with a wide eyed expression. I looked down and realised why. I blushed and I felt tears come to my eyes. "Oh no, don't cry. Go and sit and I'll come and talk to you in a minute." She said and half hugged me. Great. Jade knows now. I'm so silly. I began crying into my hands on the bed, she probably already thinks I'm incapable of adult things because of my anxiety and nervousness but now this as well...Jade came out a couple of minutes later. She saw me crying. She climbed next to me on the bed, I had my back against my head board and my arms around my knees, I still hadn't put pants on, there's no point. "Tell me what's going through your mind right now." She whispered and stroked my hair. "That you think I'm a a baby who can't control her stupid bladder." I said and looked at her sadly. "Really?" She said shocked. I nodded and a fresh set of tears flowed. "Oh Pez Babe, come here." She moves my legs down and cuddled me close to her. I settled sightly at her embrace. "I don't think you're a baby whatsoever. I'm not one to judge, I promise you." She said softly in my ear. She might as well swaddle me in blankets and call me baby girl aka give me my dream. I shuffled onto her knee slightly and she smiled, she tucked my legs on either side of her body and I rested my head on her shoulder. She rubbed my back and carried on whispering sweet things into my ear. "Everything's okay." She said. I nodded and thanked her. I felt as if sitting up was polite but I didn't really want to move, Jade made me feel so safe and protected, I loved it. But I didn't want to be rude so I began to sit up. "I want you to stay." She whispered and held me closer, I smiled and settled again. "Okay." I whispered.
After a couple of minutes, just as I was beginning to does off to sleep, there was a knock at the door. "Jade, let me in." I heard a girl shout. "Ugh." Jade groaned, I giggled. Jade quickly covered my ears and shouted, "What do you want?" It wasn't super quiet but it was muffled and I was grateful. "To talk out something, just open the god damn door." I heard the girl outside say, she sounded aggressive and I didn't like it. "Calm down sweet, stay here." She moved me off her knee, causing a quiet whimper escape my lips, I was very close to slipping now but I knew I couldn't do it in front of Jade, especially with her friend outside. She covered my legs and kissed my head. "I'll be back in a minute." She whispered and walked towards the door. As she opened it, a red-headed girl charged in. I was squeaked and hid behind my pillow. "God damn in Jess. Get out." Jade said, she looked at me worriedly. "Who's this?" The friend asked and pointed at me. "My roommate, her names Perrie. Perrie, this is Jesy." Jade said. "Right okay, whatever. Anyway, you know that stupid idiot dumbed me." The red head exclaimed. "Okay yeah, will you lower your tone slightly, you're scaring her." Jade said, she could me hiding behind my pillow more, my knuckles were white I was holding it that tight. "She's a big girl, she can handle it, well, this idiot who must not be named told me he wasn't ready for a relationship. Guess who I saw today?" She said and crossed her arms over her chest. "Him?" Jade asked in an obvious tone. "Yeah, HIM. With another girl!" Jesy screamed. I whimpered and started crying. "Jesy, stop shouting seriously, you've terrified her." Jade said and walked to me slowly. "You don't care do you?" Jesy asked. "I do care, Jakesy was a cute couple but if you're going to come in here at 9pm, shouting and screaming whilst scaring Perrie half to death. Then no I don't." I said. "Fine whatever, I'll talk to Leigh. Night." She walked out, slamming the door behind her. I was shaking with fear. "Perrie, come here." Jade helped me move back onto her knee. I was still crying. "It's okay, shh. Deep breaths." She said in my ear, she stroked my hair and back. "You're okay." She whispered to me over and over. I was beginning to fall asleep in this position. "You can sleep if you want." Jade whispered to me. I closed my eyes and let myself drift off into a deep slumber.
Yayyy I hope you liked! X

A Little Secret
FanfictionPerrie Edwards, shy and anxious. (also a little) Jade Thirwall, popular and caring. (also a caregiver) Dormates. How will they work together?