6 || Not destiny, it isn't fate

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-Inseong's POV-

-I need to help her – I said while standing up from my seat, but then Jaeyoon grabbed my hand and pulled me down again. –Hey!

-Inseong, stop – Jaeyoon said as he looked at me concerned. –You know that Y/N doesn't like when we defend her.

-But just look at that – I said while pointing at Y/N, she was actually pushing those girls away while arguing with them and they were actually trying to hit her.

-She can handle it – Taeyang said while looking over to Y/N. Now the girls were gone and Y/N sat down again along with Dahyun and Mina, with relief I just sat down again and I just sighed.

-She's going to get in so much trouble – I said concerned.

-You shouldn't worry, she's smart enough to know what to do – Chani said while looking inside his backpack.

-Yes, and she has Dahyun and Mina – Youngbin added trying to be all positive.

-I guess you are right – I said while reloading my face on the table.

-Hyung... do you like her? – Rowoon asked curious.

-He doesn't you idiot – Dawon said before he slapped his head.

-No I don't – I replied while looking at him.

-They are close but, nothing else – Hwiyoung added while reloading his head on Taeyang's shoulder and then he started to caress his hair, honestly couple goals.

-It seems that you like her, a lot – Zuho added serious.

-I think the one that likes her is another one – I said while looking at him serious since I know that he doesn't like her.

-Okay, is better if we get going to our classes again – Jaeyoon said as he smiled nervously.

-Again?! Oh man! – Dawon complained.

-Don't worry hyung, it's almost over – Chani said while patting his back.

-Yes, let's go – Youngbin said while grabbing his stuffs.

Everyone stood up from the table and started to get going towards the classes once again, I took advantage of that and I took Zuho's arm. He stopped and looked at me, then he just turned around to face me completely.

-I don't get why you are so mean to her but you need to stop – I said mad.

-I don't want to hear this – Zuho said annoyed before he tried to walk away but I stopped him once again.

-I don't care, you should be more kind to her. You don't even know how she is, so stop trying to make her look bad among us – I said mad before going away from him.

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