"I don't know who you think you are, but you need help and I'm whiling to be there for you... just if you let me".
They don't like each other but they'll have to be together since one of their friends wants them to get along, so just for that he's g...
You are in college with Inseong, it was time to relax after some classes you've already had since the teacher didn't came to college today, so you have a whole hour for just goofing around with him. After what happened yesterday in your house nothing else popped out, for both of you was just a onetime thing, and both of you felt that it was just because the moment.
-You kiss so badly – Inseong teased as he started to chuckle.
-*Laugh* hey stop it! – You said while pulling Inseong away from you which made him laugh more. –Geez it looks like we are dating each other – You said while rolling your eyes, then you placed your chin on your palm while looking away from Inseong.
-We don't! – Inseong complained in between laughs. –We just look crazy, honestly.
-True, hey by the way – You said while glancing at him. –We don't have to tell anyone about the kiss, alright?
-Aw, really? – Inseong said with a puppy face.
-No, Inseong really – You said while looking at him serious. But obviously you wanted just to squeal because he looks so cute when he complains, okay... no.
-Y/N not even Jaeyoon? I was planning on telling him – Inseong said before he sighed. –He's my best friend.
-I know, and is okay if it's just him – You said while pocking his cheek. –Just because he's the one I trust the most, aside from you obviously.
-Okay, deal – Inseong said happily. –Y/N, do you think I'm a bad kisser? - He suddenly asked.
-All of the sudden? Wow – You said while looking at him surprised, then you started to laugh.
-Yah! I'm serious – Inseong said as he patted your hand.
-*Chuckle* okay, geez – You laughed. –No, you aren't a bad kisser, happy?
-Yes, very – Inseong said while nodding, he actually was looking so proud of himself which is funny since you thought he was confident in that type of things.
-By the way, are you going to Dawon's party? – Inseong asked. –But tell me why, okay?
-Yes, I always tell you – You said with a smile before you gave a little hit on his shoulder. –I'm going just because you are going, but I truly don't want to go.
-Why? – Inseong questioned.
-I don't go to parties that often – You lied.
-Y/N! – Inseong complained like a little kid.
-Yah! Okay, is because Zuho is going and he kind of hates me – You said while looking away from him.