
Start bij het begin

"Is it something very small?" I dumbly asked.

She didn't answer, but showed me instead.

Quickly she pulled out her hands out her pockets and pushed it right at my face. Both my eyeballs centered at her hands that was pointed towards the height of my nose. But to my surprise, there was nothing in it.

It was her two fingers that joined together, forming a heart.

A small smile crept on my face. I was hoping that I wasn't blushing, which is a completely different and embarrassing thing. But her way of cheering me up was so adorable that I couldn't even catch my breath.

"What do you think? Is it big or small?" she questioned, smiling like the angel she is.

"You still do that?" I questioned back, laughing like an idiot.

"And you still fall for it" her reply knocked the sense out of me. I'm so in love. And anybody could see it from the way I looked at her. From the way I could never look away.

"Let's try talking to the cops. We might be able to find a clue-"

"NO!" I yelled, scaring her a little for which I felt horrible.

"I'm sorry. What I mean to say is that you should not do anything about this, okay? Please. We don't want to keep anyone of your lives at risk"

Ashly relaxed a little when I got my voice back to the deep and calming one. She always used to say how much unique my deep voice was.

Almost like an ASMR.

"Okay, but don't drown yourself under anxiety and depression please. I don't want you to repeat what you did three years ago. It's not your fault, Kim Taehyung"

How did she know?

"What? Thr-tr-three years ago?" my voice started to break up, nervous. I thought she never knew about it? How did she get to know my past?

"I haven't told this to anyone apart from the boys and Harin"

"That's where you went wrong" she said, with a sigh, not revealing her face to me no more.

"Harin... she doesn't know"

"What?! But she found me—"

"I found you Taehyung. I thought that maybe if I told you, then you might not want to see me of shame anymore. I'm sorry"

Her reply was scaring me to be honest. She was putting out words for me to join, but I had no clue how to. They were so difficult to arrange.

"Ashly, I don't understand?"

"That night after so many days you texted Harin, remember? But you got no message back, yet saw that it was  read"

"I was at Harin's house that day. Everyone was busy searching for you that there was no one to keep her company at home. It was then that you sent a text when she was a slept"

"It's not that I was trying to interfere. But when I saw the message pop up with the name 'brother' in it, I couldn't hold back. I opened her phone to see a long message sent from you. The message, I knew it would hurt her so I deleted it before she could see"

"I immediately handed the cops her phone and they were able to trace you"

She closed up to me.

"Why would you do that? Why would you think like that?"

Ashly held on to my collar, shaking me with tears running down her eyes. I was speechless, scared of what will skip out of my mouth, scared if she will think of me as a weakling.

"You walked into the room to see Jungkook fully covered in blood and his mother that was lying dead on the floor. Being afraid to see blood, you naturally fell on your knees, looking at Jungkook helplessly, right?"

"But then why would you think it has something to do with Jungkook? By the way that you cherish him, how come there was a hint of doubt in you that he could have done that to his mother"

"And above all why would you run away. In that message, what did you mean by that was the only way to protect him?"

Ashly was begging for answers and now, I couldn't hide it anymore.

She needs to know.

"I ran away so that the cops could suspect me. If I wasn't there around and Harin would report me of being next to Jungkook at the time of her death, then I thought they might. If so it won't get him suspected. After a few days I couldn't resist of not talking to her, that's why I tried texting her to tell her that I was sorry"

"Harin didn't tell the cops anything, Taehyung. She would never do that to you"

"I didn't have a choice"

"It was a damn suicide" Ashly stated.

"I know! But I was in too much confusion. I was just not in the right mind"

"Why would you suspect him then?"

"I don't! He didn't do it! But at that time I didn't have much time to think"




Thank you so much. If you could then maybe please comment and vote.

Author: and then there's me trying to balance the romance in this serious crime book XD I'm honestly hyped about the coming chapters.

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