It had been almost a week since Clarke's argument with Finn and she hadn't heard from him since. She knew that he was frustrated, but she was too. Time apart was probably the best thing. In addition to not hearing from Finn, Clarke had also not heard from Lexa. She knew that this was Lexa's way. A little bit of solitude to sort out whatever was in her head. Thankfully Clarke's cold was gone and Octavia had started staying back at their apartment, otherwise the loneliness probably would have gotten the best of her.
"Any word from Lexa yet?" Octavia asked as she poured herself a cup of coffee.
"Nope." Clarke answered as she sat on the couch folding her laundry. "Is it horrible that I care more about that then the fact that I haven't heard from Finn?"
Octavia shrugged as she sipped her coffee. "Lexa is your best friend and..."
"Finn's an asshole." Raven finished her sentence from the other side of the room where she was working on Clarke's new surround sound.
Octavia nodded, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear. "Look, all of his selfish tendencies aside, it was really shitty of him to even think that you and Lexa would be messing around like that. I mean, everyone knows that you have, and that's fine - it's your business, but for him to just assume the worst of you, is really not cool."
"I agree." Clarke quickly. She thought for a moment, biting her lower lip. "Is it wrong that we've gone so long without having sex?"
"He's not exactly the best lay." Raven quipped from somewhere behind the television causing Clarke and Octavia to giggle like school girls.
"Everyone gets into funks where they're just not in the mood. It happens and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that." Octavia assured her. "Though..."
"Though what?" Clarke asked as she stood up and walked over to the kitchen counter where her phone had just gone off.
"It just seems unusual for you." Octavia replied as she started folding socks.
"Meaning what?" Clarke pushed her, feeing both confused and slightly offended.
"Clarke," Raven said as she popped up and leaned against the television. "You're a sexual being, so the fact that you're not in the mood to have sex, is a little unusual."
"Yes." Octavia pointed at Raven with a smile. "Thank you."
Clarke instantly flushed a vibrant pink. "Shut up," she said picking up her phone.
Finn: Hey Babe. How about dinner tonight? I'm missing my princess.
Clarke: Have you apologized to Lexa yet?
Finn: Clarke...
Clarke: Nope. Bye Finn.
Clarke slammed her phone down on the counter. "He still hasn't apologized to her. God!"
Octavia and Raven exchanged a glance just as Clarkes phone went off again.
Lexa: Dinner?
Clarke: Absolutely.
Lexa: In or out?
Clarke: In. Pizza?
Lexa: Done. See you at seven.
Clarke sighed with a small smile as she placed her phone back down.
"Lexa?" Octavia questioned.
Clarke nodded. "She's going to come over in a couple of hours."
"Finally. Good, make sure you talk to her about what happened." Octavia instructed.
Again Clarke nodded. She knew what Octavia was referring to. Any time Lexa lost her composer, especially in a way that caused someone harm, she'd wrap herself up in a cocoon of self-doubt, questioning everything that she had said or done. Between Finn's accusation and the way that Lexa had almost broken his wrist, Clarke was quite sure that Lexa was not exactly in happy place.
"You two weren't doing anything wrong. He was way out of line." Raven said firmly and Octavia nodded.
Clarke heard her words but somewhere deep inside wondered if they weren't entirely true. Granted, she hadn't slept with Lexa in a long time, but things with Finn had been far from awesome lately and there was always something about being close to Lexa that made her feel warm and happy. We're they entirely innocent? Had she enjoyed being curled up with Lexa too much? Perhaps she wasn't the only one that battled with a little self-doubt. "I know," Clarke finally responded, "and that's exactly what I'm going to tell her."
Octavia and Raven left a little while after to see a movie and Clarke went to shower. A long day of cleaning and rearranging had left her a sweaty mess and she had no desire to spend the evening sitting in her own stink. She was standing in the bathroom brushing out her hair when a light knocking filled her ears, causing her mouth to stretch into a smile.
When the door opened, the first thing that Lexa saw was a pair of sparkling blue eyes. "Pizza for two," she said with a smirk.
"About time you turned up." Clarke told her as she pulled her into a tight hug. "I was getting ready to send out a search party."
"Uh huh." Lexa replied and hugged her back. "Come on. I'm starving."
The pizza was just about gone when Clarke finally took a deep breath and spoke her mind. "You know that you didn't do anything wrong, right?"
Lexa groaned. She figured this was coming.
"I mean it. Even Octavia and Raven agree that Finn was out of line."
Lexa took a sip of her beer and cleared her throat. "Lincoln agrees too."
"And Anya?" Clarke questioned with the lightest smirk.
The corner of Lexa's mouth twitched. "Anya thinks that I should have twisted harder."
"He had no right to touch you and that's exactly what I told him after you left." Clarke told her.
Lexa nodded, though in her head, she wasn't sure that she agreed. Regardless of who Clarke was dating, she had always loved it when she was the one that was able to swoop in and make Clarke feel better, so really, how innocent was she? "I know." Lexa responded as her phone buzzed in her pocket.
Finn: Sorry.
Finn: I was being an ass.
Lexa flipped the phone around and showed it to Clarke.
"About time." Clarke scoffed as she got to her feet and walked towards the sink. "He must really be missing me."
"What do you mean?" Lexa questioned as she too stood up and took her plate to the sink.
Clarke shrugged. "He wanted me to go to dinner with him tonight, but I wouldn't go."
"Because he hadn't apologized to me?" Lexa asked as she leaned back against the counter.
"Mhmm." Clarke nodded. "I haven't seen him since that night."
"Clarke," Lexa said sharply. "Don't strain your relationship over some bullshit that happened between me and Finn. It's not worth it."
"Hey, let's be clear about one thing." Clarke responded quickly and took a step forward. "You're my best friend Lexa, and day or night, right or wrong," her blue eyes pierced Lexa's green ones, "it's always your side that I'm going to be on. Besides, Finn was being a total dick."
Lexa leaned back at these words and couldn't help the slight smile that spread across her face. She felt the same way about Clarke. She'd always choose her, regardless of the situation. There wasn't a person on the planet whose side she would choose over Clarke's. "He was," she agreed.
"Finn fucked up." Clarke said as she pushed her hair from her face. "We weren't doing anything wrong. He overreacted. Everyone knows it and finally, he sees it too."
"I'll text him later." Lexa assured her.
That night as Clarke laid in bed she finally decided to give in and send Finn a message.
Clarke: Thank you.
Finn: I know I was a jerk. I don't know why. I didn't mean to be.
Finn: I really miss you, Princess.
Clarke: I miss you too.
Clarke sighed and rolled over, hoping that a sweet slumber would take her before she could think anymore.
Always you, Only you
Mystery / ThrillerClarke and Lexa have been the best of friends for years, perhaps the closest of all in their group of friends. The connection, chemistry and comfort that they share is unmatched by any of their other friends. Everyone knows that when they're both si...