"Kagome, ever since that day I have not been able to stop thinking about you. I have not smiled or laughed as much as I have when I am with you, and I would not change that for the world. You are my world, and I want the whole world to know what you mean to me. Would you do me the honor of becoming my beautiful wife?" He opened the box, and inside was a 14 karat, rose gold band with a shiny, bright aquamarine gemstone surrounded by several smaller diamonds.

Her breath caught in her throat and her eyes started to water, she barely managed a nod, "Yes. Yes, a thousand times yes!"

Suddenly the room erupted in cheers, and flashes went off as people took pictures. Sesshōmaru slid the ring onto her finger before picking her up and twirling them around in a circle. He stopped before she could get dizzy, and he claimed her lips with his, earning hoots and hollers from some of the guys who had been watching. 

~~~~ A short while later ~~~~

"Are we there yet?" The miko asked, having been blindfolded once they left the mall and getting anxious as to where they were heading.

The daiyōkai chuckled softly, taking her left hand in his right hand and giving it a gentle squeeze, "We are almost there mate, just a few minutes more."

Shortly after saying that, the car rolled to a stop and she heard him get out of the car and could make out him talking to someone else. When he was done talking, her door opened and she felt his hand gently grab hers and pull her out of the car. After they were a few steps away, she heard the car take off so she assumed they were at a place that had valet parking. They walked a couple of more steps forward before he stopped her in front of the door and pulled off her blind fold.

She blinked a few times to try to get her eyes to readjust to the light, and then a few more times after she saw the name of the establishment printed on the door. In elegant font, the name on the door read Kagomaru's Grove and there was a ribbon with big bow hanging across the door below the name. With her brows knit, she looked up at him with a questioning look on her face.

"I wanted a special place for us, so for the last few months I had been working on getting this built and set up. There are excellent chefs that I hand picked myself, from all around the world to make whatever you desire. This will be our restaurant, though you will not have to worry about having to run it, the kit is well trained in management and offered to manage the place for us." He smiled, handing her a pair of scissors he had acquired from the gentleman who had taken the car to the parking garage.

Tentatively, she took the pair of scissors and cut the ribbon on the door. As the ribbon fell to the ground, two gentlemen in forest green suits held open the doors for them to enter. Sesshōmaru held his arm out for her, and she intertwined her arm with his as he led them inside. The entry hallway walls were painted a light creme color, and the floor was marbled grey tile throughout the entire building. The dining area was split into different sections, there was a bar area on the far left side that was accompanied with booths, in the center where the chandelier was several tables ranging from two seaters to six seaters, and the far right was lined with several rooms.

He led them to the first door, which was maroon, unlike the other ones that were charcoal grey. When he unlocked the door and held it open for her, her breath caught in her throat. Along the walls were paintings, of her, from different places in the feudal era and from different places they had been together recently. There was a love seat couch in one corner of the room, and there was a mahogany table with two matching chairs in the center of the room. Hanging above the table was a small, silver chandelier.

When she went to run her fingers against one of the paintings, the daiyōkai cleared his throat, "They are all hand-painted by this Sesshōmaru, from memory, as a way to show you how beautiful you are to me."

"Oh Sesshō" For once, she was at a loss for words and could say no more.

Instead, she barreled into his strong arms, wrapping hers around his body and burying her face in his chest. One of his arms snaked around her waist as he held her, and he rested his chin on top of her head. With his free hand, he ran his fingers through her raven colored tresses. He wanted nothing more than to show her how much she meant to him, now that they would have all the time in the world together. He was trying to make up for all the time they weren't together, when time was cruel to them. 

A knock came on the door and the two pulled apart as the daiyōkai turned to open it. Standing on the other side was a woman dressed in waitress attire that the miko recognized, she was the same woman who had been working in the castle when she had been staying there before Naraku attacked. A smile crossed her face as she closed the distance between them and hugged her.

"You have no idea how great it is to see you again Misaki!" The miko beamed at the demoness.

The demoness bowed, "The pleasure is all my Lady Kagome, time seems to not have touched you over the last couple of hundred years. You look as young and beautiful as the day you first arrived in the castle. Are you ready to order, m'lady?"

"I think for now I will just have a glass of sprite and a plate of chicken cordon bleu if that's okay?" it sounded more of a question than an answer, since she had no idea what exactly was on the menu here.

Writing in on a pad of paper, Misaki turned to the daiyōkai, "Would m'lord like something as well?"

"Hnn. I will have a glass of sake for now, thank you Misaki." he replied.

With that, the demoness bowed once more and turned around to head towards the kitchen. The daiyōkai closed the door, gesturing for the miko to take a seat at the table as he pulled a chair out for her like a gentleman. After she sat down, he sat in the chair across from her and propped an elbow up on the table, leaning his chin on his hand as he smiled softly at his mate. 

A/N: Anddd that's a wrap for chapter two! HE PROPOSED TO HER! -Squeals- I wanted a cute chapter for the two of them and it took me a good bit to actually get this chapter finished. I got stuck on it a few times because some ideas I liked but they didn't quite fit. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Stay tuned for the next one lovelies! As always, thank you for reading and have a great day/night(:

P. S. I'm sorry this was updated late I had a long day and forgot to post it sooner even though I already had it finished!  I'm so sorry x.x

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