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Annabeth, Percy wait up." I yelled as they ran from the car into the high school.

"Give them a break Bella." Edward crooned in my ear. "Its their first day of school since they were turned."

I groaned making him chuckle.

"I miss Renesesme too but she's attending another college in Britain." Edward reminded me.

We had reached the entrance and were getting our schedules.

The receptionist gasped when she saw us standing there. A common reaction from humans. I mean who wouldn't be amazed when eight of the most beautiful people they had ever seen just showed up in their place of work.

"Rosalie Hale." She said handing Rosalie her schedule.

"Percy Cullen. Edward Cullen. Bella Cullen. Annabeth Hale. Emmett Cullen. Jasper Hale. Alice Cullen." She said handing out the rest of our School year.

We headed to our classes. I had Science, Math, American History, Lunch, English, Spanish, and and band.

We all had the same schedule except for Annabeth and Percy they had Greek mythology instead of Spanish.

We walked into Science Class and the entire room gasped even the teacher.

He quickly composed himself and introduced himself as Mr. Spantitos.

We studied the syllabus and wrote a few notes down.

When the bell rang Mr. Spantitos seemed sad to see us go. That's when I saw him slip something into Rosalie's bag.

"What did he put in your bag?" I asked her as soon as we were out of earshot. She reached into her designer purse and pulled a slip of paper out.

"Oh my god." She said.

It was a phone number.

She showed it to Emmett who clenched his fists so hard I thought the bones of his hands would snap.

"Whoa Emmett." Jasper said. "Calm down." and he did.

That was before Emmett handed him the paper.

"We all need to talk about this." Percy said "Math is next and I don't think anyone would protest to skipping that one one time."

With silent agreement we all headed for the parking lot.

"What should we do?" Alice asked.

"Kill the Pervert." Emmett answered immediately.

"Something short of that maybe?" I said. "What was he thinking Edward?"

"That Rosalie was the only girl close enough to give that to."

We all hissed. The women because they were victims and the men because the victims were their mates.

"What do we do then?" Rosalie asked breaking the silence. Her last human memory was of a man like this and she wasn't about to let another girl fall prey to him.

"I have a idea." Percy said grinning with Alice and Edward. As the saw and heard his idea. "We need animal blood, a ripped dress and..."

As he told us his plan we all grinned wider and wider.

Mr. Spantitos's House.

We had everything we needed we just had to wait for dark. Inside the house the TV was playing ESPN. The pervert himself was chewing on some chips. It was about midnight when he fell asleep.

Edward grimaced. "He even dreams of attacking his female students." he told us causing another round of hissing.

"It's time." Percy said. He nodded to Jasper who darted around the trailer to the back. I heard a click and the house went dark as he cut the power. "Annabeth your up." Percy said.

Annabeth stood she was wearing a dress similar to the one Mr. Spantitos's first victim wore when she died. Her hair was dyed black and she wore blue colored contacts. Her dress was torn and ripped and stained in blood. Her pale skin had concealer everywhere it was visible. All in all, she looked like Miranda Kerr, The murderer's first victim. She started walking slowly for the door.

"Bella." Percy said.

I stood up I was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt that had blood on them my hair was up in a hat and I had brown contacts. I was playing the role of his second victim Calla Pierce. I joined Annabeth.

"Alice." Percy said.

She joined us as the third victim Melanie Phillips. She had shorts and a torn shirt and blue contacts.

If anyone saw us they would think we were human.

"Edward, Jasper. Let's go"

The trio darted into the house and after removing the batteries from all the flash lights, hid in various places.

Emmett stood. He had a bucket of blood. His job was graffiti.

"Ready?" Percy whispered so soft I had trouble hearing.

We all whispered "Ready."

And it began.

"Michael." Percy said running past the man, tapping his shoulder.

"Michael" Edward said filling Percy's lead.

"Michael" Jasper said awakening the true monster with a start.

"Who's there?" He said springing to his feet. "I'm warning you I'm armed."

"Was I?" Annabeth said coming in the door.

A look of horror came across the monsters face. "No your dead I slit your throat, Miranda!" he yelled.

"I wasn't." I came in.

He paled " I shot Calla Pierce in the head!"

Alice came in then. "All I wanted was a ride."

"No, no. I'm dreaming.I'm hallucinating."

"Not a dream." Percy Whispered.

"Monster. Beast. Perverted." The three men whispered.

"NO!" He yelled he dug in a drawer and pulled out a pistol. "NO!" he yelled again as he opened fire. The bullets felt like cotton balls as he emptied the gun on Annabeth, Alice and me.

"Are you going to kill me?" Rosalie whispered. "All I did was walk to close.

She was still in the same outfit from earlier except now it was tattered and bloodied.

"Will you really add to your body count?" She whispered.

Mr.Spantitos backed up so fast that he hit his head tripping on the extended leg. Courtesy of Percy. He was knocked unconscious.

The lights flicked on and we all softly celebrated. Then we got to work making it all look like a dream.

Percy put the unconscious man back in his chair. I picked up the brass and Edward ran for ammo to replace what he shot.

When we were done it looked like nothing had ever happened.

We silently left to find Emmett looking smug.

On the front window of Spantitos's car were the word Never again.

Percy high fived him "Awesome"

We all laughed and headed for home.

Breaking Dawn of The Demigodsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें