11 1 0

August 2, 2006

God's really great! He healed Donald, the duckling, last night, 11 PM.

I woke up early..The sun was already set. I guessed it'll not rain today-- all day long. Thus, Mj had washed the clothes and others. I planted in the field.

Today, I was bored. I wanted TV..

In my boredom, I had fed my ducklings with earthworms I personally dug on. I also tried to sleep but Hanna Margaret disturbed me. I tried to run the grass cutter, too. "Ayaw."

"Lord God, please give us television to enable us to entertain and educate, especially Hobee. Please, Lord.."

A Poem A Day Keeps the Stress AwayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon