Chapter 12

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Mason pulled up to where Liam, Theo and I were, Theo grabbed stuff from the back. I got out of the truck and got into Lydia's car with Mason.
Liam said" Stay out of sight, May." I nodded, then Mason nodded, we drove off.
We weren't even back to home yet, and something wasn't right. I whimpered then looked at Mason,
He said" Oh, no, I know that look,
What's wrong?"
I said" Liam's angry. Scott's in danger or sad... I don't think the two betas are missing anymore."
" What does that mean?"
" I think they're dead."
" Okay. What's wrong with Liam?"
" He's angry. I need to get to him."
" Liam will kill me."
" Liam will be fine. You will not be, if you don't let me out of this car."
" Okay, stay hidden." I nodded and got out, I masked my scent then I ran four legged.
I got into the zoo and found a knocked out Liam and a Theo,
I said" What'd you do?"
Theo said" Saved him from killing him." I sighed, looking at Liam then at Theo.
" Let's go. Now."
" Still the bossy pup?"
" Always the bossy pup."
" Good to know. Now get out of here and home before someone figures out you're not with Mason."
" Get him up and awake, make sure you didn't break his jaw, and set it back if you did."
" Will do." I pounced into a tree and made my way out of the zoo and headed home.
Once I got down the street to home, Mason pulled up, he opened the window and I jumped in. We went to home, and they had a map spread out on the table. Argent, Melissa, Lydia, Mason and I looked at the map,
Argent said" They're Nemetons."
Melissa said" What does Gerard want with them?"
Mason said" If they're like the one here, then they're beacons for supernaturals."
Argent continued" If you wanted to kill every supernatural creature in the world, these are where you would start."
Melissa said" Well, then Gerard isn't gonna stop with Beacon Hills, is he?"
" He wants the whole world." Then Agent McCall came in,
He said" Where's Scott?"
Melissa said" Upstairs. Why?"
" He can't leave. No one can."
" Nice to see that you changed your mind, but I'm afraid to ask why."
" It's Gerard's weapons."
Scott said" Dad?"
" The guns, they've all been distributed legally to the citizens of Beacon Hills. All of them, and at no charge."
" What, he just gave them away?"
Argent said" No. He's arming his army."
Lydia screamed" Get down!" She pulled Mason and I down, we fell to the ground. Bullets busted open the window and they didn't stop, I closed my eyes tightly. Lydia and Mason pulled me under them, not letting go of me.
Going into Werewolves of London.
Everyone was hurt, except for Scott, Malia and me, I whimpered, I could smell the blood.
Scott whispered" May, keep your eyes closed. I'm coming to get you."
Malia said" I hear sirens." I whimpered louder,
" Shh, May, keep your eyes closed." Then I heard the door open,
Sheriff said" We need medics!" I flinched," Scott?"
" Get Her out of here." I held onto Mason's arm, I could still feel his heartbeat,
" May, come on, let's go clean you up, come on." I was pulled away from Mason, I screamed, Sheriff let go of me." Maya, listen to me. No one's gonna hurt you, okay? But we need to get everyone to the hospital, come on, it's alright." I let go of Mason, Sheriff lifted me up, I dug my face into his neck.

I woke up when Scott moved me from his lap, we were at the hospital, they were all in surgery. I opened my eyes and followed Scott's scent, slowly, I was really sleepy.
Sheriff said" Scott. I got a pretty good idea how you're feeling right now. But the whole Sheriff's department is gonna be on this. I am gonna find out who did this."
Scott said" We both know who did this." Then I was lifted up, I laid my head on Scott's shoulder, nodding off to sleep again.
Malia said" Hey, What do we do?"
" No more peace summits. No more running. No more half measures."
" What's the plan?"
" We fight back."
" I'm good with that plan."
" Gerard? Monroe? The hunters? We take them all on."
" Then we're gonna need more firepower."
" Not just firepower. We're gonna need an army."

Scott called Deucalion, we were waiting for him at our house. Once he walked in,
He said" You know my fighting days are over."
Scott said" That's hard to believe. You once said you'd kill any living thing that got in your way."
" I said a lot of things. But, eventually the bodies pile up so high, that even a blind man can't ignore them."
Malia said" So what? You moved into a cave and took a vow of uselessness?"
" I changed. We should all try it. And I live in a condo."
" I liked the old Deucalion better."
Scott said" Well, maybe you've changed, but Gerard hasn't. And he's not gonna stop at Beacon Hills, he's got a map with places circled, Toulouse, Brasilia..."
Deuc said" Logashkino, Zhengzhou. Nemetons of the world."
" You know him. You can outthink him, you can read him."
" You've beaten him before."
" He's got a lot of help now. Actually, he's got pretty much everyone."
" You think Gerard's turned you into a pariah? Your power does that. You'll always be an outsider because of your abilities. Gerard wasn't the first person to capitalize on the general public's fear of the other... and he won't be the last."
" So help us stop him."
" I think you've realized that stopping Gerard now, means killing him."
" I'm sorry, Scott, that chapter in my life's over."
Malia said" So that's it? You're just a pacifist now? What's gonna stop me from slashing your throat?"
" Plenty." Malia lunged to attack but missed, then was back to back with Deuk.
" How'd you do that?"
" It's Bagua. A martial arts that takes the path of least resistance."
" You think you're gonna beat me without fighting?"
" I think you're going to beat yourself." Then she tried again but fell to the ground,
" Okay, so you can protect yourself. But what about everyone else who doesn't know Bagua? They're just gonna get their eyes stabbed out?"
" Look what that war turned me into. I'm not afraid to loose my eyes again. I'm afraid to loose my soul." He walked away,
" You won't help us?"
" I didn't say I wouldn't help you. I can offer you guidance. And my first piece of advice? You might need to lower your standards for allies."
Scott said" I thought I was."
" Lower than me." Well... I think we only know one person lower than him, Peter Hale.
They went to meet with Peter while Scott made me go to bed, since sleep hasn't really been an option for us lately. I laid in bed, closing my eyes, then I fell asleep,

I woke up to my phone ringing, I answered it,
Liam said" Meet at the school."
I mumbled" Okay." Then he hung up, I got up and walked downstairs and out the door.
Once I got to the school, I followed Liam's scent. I found him and Theo, Theo opened a freezer, and it was filled with dead werewolves, with their eyes gouged out.
I said" I'm taking a guess... Anuk-ite?"
Liam said" Yeah."
" So, who is it?"
" Aaron."
" Anyone call Scott?"
" Already did."

Once Scott and Malia arrived, they looked in the freezer, then closed it.
Malia said" It's a bad day for finding bodies."
Liam said" There's gonna be a lot more if we don't find Aaron's other half."
Theo said" Which we know nothing about."
Scott said" We do know one thing. We know it's a werewolf."
Liam continued" We need to find this other werewolf right now."
Theo added" Preferably before they merge."
Malia asked" What happens if they merge?"
Scott said" I don't know, but I got a feeling that it's not going to be good."
Liam said" Any chance you got to put together that army, Scott?"
Malia said" You're looking at it."
Peter said" Let's hope this thing doesn't feed off desperation, because this room reeks of it."
Scott asked" What happened?"
" Hunters destroyed my perfect automobile. So, if this thing had anything to do with it, I'd like to see its demise is appropriately painful."
Malia asked" I thought you had two cars?" He dropped another thingy,
" There's going to be hell to pay." Uh-oh. Something was still wrong, I could feel it.

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