Who looks after you

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Dean Winchester:

It didn't come to a surprise that the person who would be looking after you when Dean didn't have time would be Sam. It didn't happen often because most of the time both brothers would be busy with the same thing, but when it happened Sam was the one to look after you. Most of the time he would try to read you some books or just play some little things with you because he didn't know what else he could do with you. You were still young and also it was dangerous to let you run around all by yourself. During the few years other people had found out about Dean having a child so it became a bit more dangerous to let you run around. Also you were a really curious child and not looking after you for a moment would end up you running away somewhere. It already happened and Sam had thought he lost you.

Even when you cause a lot of trouble for Sam he still likes to look after you when Dean can't and you like your uncle. One time when you stayed only with Sam, you managed to cut off a large amount of his hair while he took a nap. When Dean returned and saw that Sam had shorter hair he couldn't help but laugh about it. You weren't really punished by Dean but Sam wasn't talking to you for a good week.

Sam Winchester: 

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Sam Winchester: 

Of course Sam would ask his brother to babysit you who else would he ask. Dean always looked after him when he was younger and he trusted his brother to keep you away from danger. It didn't happen very often that he had to look after you because your father wasn't one for doing stuff on his one so you were super excited to be alone with your uncle for a few hours. He was fun to be around and always made you laugh. He brought you to his favorite store and bought some pie to eat for dinner. Your father never let you eat pie, always made sure to give you healthy foods. After that Dean would play with you. Your favorite thing to do with your uncle was playing horses. You were the horseman and he was your pony. Dean would never admit it but he secretly had fun doing that. He also had lots of interesting stories to tell. Your uncle would always made up tales about him being a knight and fighting against dragons to save the princess. It was awesome. When your father came home you told him all about Dean's stories. He looked at Dean in confusion, not wanting his child to know about the stuff they do but your uncle just smirked at him.

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