xix. The Youngest Black

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Chapter NineteenThe Youngest Black

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Chapter Nineteen
The Youngest Black

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      Nova skipped the rest of her classes after finding out about Sirius. She went to the willow in hopes of finding him there. After hours of waiting, he didn't come. Nova eventually left when the sky darkened with her nerves rattling every time the thought of Sirius being caught and given to the dementors crossed her mind.

      The only thing that was able to relieve her worries was finally around the corner. Despite having kept to herself the past few weeks, the twins seemed to understand her silence. They never questioned her outburst in the hall nor did they need the feel to ask if she was okay. Nova felt grateful. Her friends understood what she needed, knowing that when she was ready to talk about her feelings they would be there.

      "Nova!" Oliver Wood called to her on Tuesday morning. She looked up from her Potions textbook to see an ecstatic boy rushing to sit beside her while the twins stared at him across the table. "Run down of practice tomorrow, then our first practice the next day. You better come by to help set up, eh?"

      "Can't you ask Angelina or something?"

      Oliver's eyes widened. "No! Nova, it's my last year! Who do you think will take over when I'm gone?"

      Nova froze. She had been so excited to start playing, she forgot about what would happen after the season ended. This was Oliver Wood's last year. Oliver Wood, the boy who vouched for her skill when she first tried out for the team. Oliver Wood, the boy who constantly motivated Nova and pushed her to do the best of her abilities. Despite her reluctance to take part in his grueling practices, Nova knew he did what was best for the team. She couldn't even imagine a year where he wasn't going to be playing on the same field as her. Oliver was one of the most supportive and considerate people in her life.

      "I don't want to talk about that," Nova said and turned away. Fred raised an eyebrow, "Wait, Wood, you say you want Nova as captain when you're gone?"

      "Course! I don't trust anyone more than I do her," Oliver said with a grin. Nova turned to him and sighed, "Ollie, I don't even want to think of you leaving. Much less running the team on my own. You know how I was about Charlie... and now you, I just—"

      "Nova, of course, I know. Listen we don't have to talk about it now, but you will be captain next year. That's an order given straight from the ginger that brought you to the team in the first place. I'll see you tomorrow at practice! See you, Weasleys! Better be there too!" Oliver called leaving the hall when he spotted his group of friends.

      Nova sighed and laid her head against her textbook. George laughed, "Don't be so down, Nova! You'll be the boss next year."

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