Alanna really liked her but I have to protect Alanna. I decided I have to come clean on the way I am. I walked up to Ashley, god she looked hot in her workout outfit. "Ashley can I talk to you." I whispered.

"Yeah sure." she said getting off the couch. I motioned for her to go to my room. "Alanna, sweetie I'm gonna talk to Ashley real quick and she'll be right back." I said rubbing Alanna's hair.

"Okay daddy I love you." she said smiling up at me. That smile warms my heart it's what keeps me here on earth. I walked into my room where Ashley was waiting for me.

I motioned for her to sit in the bed with me and she did." Okay so I know I can become a complete Jackass when it comes to Alanna and I know I'm over protective but it's just that um" I couldn't finish I couldn't think how to.

"Yeah Randy I don't get it we were just playing I was actually doing you a favor."

"And I see that now it's just that well her mom and I are split up so I already have to share her and not see her alot. So I don't like sharing her with other people."

"I see Randy and I can't blame you for protecting that little angel."

"Yeah so I'm sorry and I see the way Alanna behaves around you and I am going to try my best when it comes to you."

"Thanks Randy I appreciate it."

"Well that's it's so yeah." I said and smiled as she left. I walked back out with her and watched as she played with Alanna. Her motherly instincts were kinda hot. "But were still not friends," I blurted.

"Yet." she replied walking out of the room. I smirked I can't show her how I feel yet until I am sure and right now all I see is a nice body and a mother figure.


I thought it was nice of Randy to apologize and explain to me about his situation. I checked my phone and uh oh I was supposed to meet Dave five minutes ago. "Randy, Alanna I gotta go bye." I said hugging them both. I ran to the elevator and ran out just as fast to see Dave in the lobby on his phone. "Sorry I'm kinda late."

"It's alright" he replied. We walked to his car and drove to the arena. We got in and went to the same spot as last time. He lifted first this time and while he was doing that I was doing squats with weights. He stopped and walked over to me, "booty all day." I said. He smiled and helped me put the weight back. We then got on the treadmill and ran 5 miles. I was already exhausted so we decided to take a break. We sat on the bench and just relaxed a bit. "So was Randy in a bad mood because he didn't get to go?"

"Before I left he told me I looked like a whore and then this morning he was messing with me."

"Yeah that's Randy for you."

"Yeah so did you have fun last night?" I asked.

" That was the most fun I've had in a while. You made it even better." he said. I blushed and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"So the guys and I were thinking and we were wondering if you wanted to start coming ringside with us. With your ability you will be Divas champ soon. "

"I would love too." I said.

"Let's get back to work." he said.

We did this core circuit and I felt like my insides were being squeezed. It included planks, sit ups, different holds, etc. When it was over we just sat on the floor and talked.

"lets go get ready for tonight." I said. He reached out his arm and helped me up effortlessly. He walked me to the Divas lockeroom but he stopped me right infront of the door. "Excuse me." he said and leaned in and kissed me. We were making out and I was leaning on the door when I felt myself fall back. Someone had opened the door and Dave was laying on top of me.

I felt eyes on my as we both got up. I looked around and almost the whole lockeroom was staring.

Dave left and it was just me. I went near the twins and put my gear on. "So are you excited for your debut?" Brie asked.

"Yeah but I don't know who I'm fighting."

" I already checked it's Eve."

"Cool." I got my gear on and headed out to the trainers office. They stretched me out and afterwards I started doing a couple stretches by myself.

I saw Randy heading towards me holding Alanna's hand. "Hi Ashley you look pretty." she said.

"Awww thank you tonight I have my first match."

"Good luck" the father daughter duo said.

"Thanks" I said hugging them both. Randy left with Alanna to go get changed for tonight. I saw Dave walking over and I felt a huge smile play across my face. I ran up to him and jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist. "guess what?" I whispered in his ear.


"Tonight's my first match."

"That's great and uhh sorry about earlier in the lockeroom."

"Oh it's alright they don't like me anyways," I replied.


"Yeah I guess none of them are really find of the twins."

"True that but I like them. " He said. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he was still holding me up, " doing anything tonight?"

"Well that's why I'm here I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come to the pool party Ric and Hunter are throwing at the hotel tonight."

"I would love to actually!" I replied ecstatically.

"Great so I'll see you tonight." he said putting me down.

"See yah," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He walked away and it was just me.

A stage hand walked up to me and said "Ashley we need you at gorilla in 5."

This was the moment that would pretty much define my career for now. I had to make the best debut possible.

I started walking. I had butterflies in my stomach but I knew I had to fake the confidence. I heard my theme music play and...

Victim Of The Viper's Love(on hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant