Start from the beginning

"Steve, be quiet!" Cassie hissed.

Clenching his jaw, Mike Wheeler turned to Dustin, "I told you he'd freak out!"

"Stop the car!" Steve bellowed in panic.

"Everybody shut up!" Max Mayfield shouted over the voices. "I'm trying to focus!"

"Shit, Max!" Cassie yelled in reply as she noticed a familiar gravel road. "That's Mount Sinai! Turn left!"



Max then lost control, the tires screeching as she went off the road, completely taking out a mailbox. A high pitched scream sounded through the red-head's ears, causing the girl to turn to Cassie and say, "Stop screaming!'

"That wasn't me!" Cassie defended, turning to Lucas, who shyly turned away.

Closing her eyes, the brunette prayed for her life. With her older brother's protests to stop, Lucas Sinclair's abnormal high-pitched screams, and Max Mayfield pleads for silence, the girl thought this would be the end. That was, until the tires screeched to a stop.

"Ah, hello!" Steve yelled at the top of his lungs, letting out a large puff of air.

"Incredible!" Mike admitted, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.

"I told you," Max breathed, turning off the car. "Zoomer."

After the five kids swiftly filed out of the car — and Steve, well...fell out of the car — they all grabbed their weapons and masks from the trunk. Not a single one of them had been down in that hole, nor had they wanted to. But, it was the small price to pay to save save the world.

"Here, Cass," Mike spoke softly, handing the brunette a pair of blue-rimmed goggles.

Thanking the boy, Cassie pulled the goggles over her head and threw a red bandana over her mouth. From below her, Cassie's brother, Steve, let out a groan, "Guys? Oh, no. Guys?"

Picking up the large container of gasoline, Mike Wheeler stepped past the boy, who had now perched himself up to a standing position. Moving his gaze, Steve spoke to the raven-haired boy, "Hey, where do you think you're going?"

When receiving no response, Steve continued, "What are you, deaf? Heelloooo?"

Slamming the trunk shut, Cassie Harrington moved past her brother and fell beside Mike, who was busy connecting a long rope to the bumper of the car. As she helped him unravel it's twisted knots, her brother continued to shout in protest.

"We are not going down there right now! I made myself clear!"

No response.

"Hey, there is no chance we're going in that hole, alright?!"

No response.

Letting out a huff, Steve Harrington pushed himself off the supporting car and grabbed Dustin's bag, throwing it to the ground. This, unlike all of his other protests, finally got their attention. Stepping up to the boy, Dustin shouted in reply, "Steve, you're upset, I get it. But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance."

"Yeah, Steve," shouted Cassie from afar as she stepped closer to the hole. "You got two options here. You can sit here like a little pussy, or you can help us save El. Now, the brother I know wouldn't just chicken out...he would fight."

Taking a deep breath, Cassie finished, "So, us fight."

"But I told Nancy I would keep you safe," Steve argued, rubbing his hand over his blood-covered forehead. "I made a promise."

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