"I'm sorry?" I asked.

"She's. Not. Going. With. You." She said every word with a pause.
"Now do you get it?"

"Um... Nida...." Ayesha tried to speak but that girl literally slapped a hand on Ayesha's mouth silencing her. I flinched at the sudden act. Ouch! That must hurt.

"She's the lovesick lunatic not me. A young woman living in the house of a grown man without a reason. You kiddin' me?" She said looking straight into my eyes as if she had caught my game. It was quite intimidating but I didn't let my guard down.

"Mmmm" Ayesha was muffling under her hand trying to speak.

"Don't worry uh... Nida is that your name?"

She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Right, Nida! I don't live there alone. My parents and my brother live with me too." I said.

"So?" She asked with an attitude.

"So?" I asked confused. "Uh... We won't be alone."

"I know that but why should she live in your house. She isn't gonna work for you. She's got a new job and an apartment too why should she live with you?"

"Because I love her."
Ugh! Why do I have to repeat this again it's hard as it is.

"Then marry her." She said flatly

I choked on nothing. What?! Marry?! Is she crazy. I can't go that far!

Ayesha finally pushed her hand and spoke... "That's enough Nida. Don't scare him."

Thank God. I exhaled.

"Why? If he loves you so much that he's inviting you to live with him in his house then he should be man enough for such a commitment too." She said.
"Aren't you man enough?"

"Ofcourse I am!" I said angrily. Geez! This girl is driving me crazy. Who does she think she is. I'm The Armaan Malik! She was even glaring at me. Well I didn't back out either. I glared at her too.

"Uh....guys. Can you 2 stop. It's getting scary." Ayesha was saying but neither of us paid attention to her. We were busy trying to stare eachother down.

"I won't let you take her." She grunted.

"It's not your decision to make." I grunted too.

"Ok stop it you two. This is about me. Don't I get a say in this?" Ayesha said.

"NO!" We both yelled at her in unison.

"What?" She sounded offended.

Oh right! What am I doing? I'm not here to argue with the rude chick I'm here to get Ayesha to come with me. I turned my attention over to Ayesha again. BUT THIS ISN'T OVER!!!

"Even Mom and Dad miss you. Even they want you to stay with us."

"Really?" Ayesha said beaming.

I nodded. "Come on Ayesha. Please...."

"Ayesha!" Nida called out angrily and she looked at her, her smile vanishing.

"Ayesha." I said as lovingly as I could.

Ayesha looked at both of us confused.
Then she finally spoke.
"I need some time to think. Atleast give me a day." She gave both of us her puppy eyes.


"Ok take your time. I'll go back for now and get your room ready. I hope you come home soon."

"But you drove all the way here. The long drive would've already worn you out." She said

"It's ok. I can handle it. I am a MAN!" I emphasized Man on that Nida's face. She dared to role her eyes at me!

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