Ebb of the Night (Chapter 17)

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"Well, that is a bit of a shock." Connor stumbled over his words. "How did you come to this conclusion, son?"

"I stayed in Ali and Ash's suite because Andy and Xavier were in mine, so I camped out with the kids." Doyle thought how stupid it all sounded as he was talking about it decided to omit the part of him practically sleeping at her feet. "We were talking and we brushed hands and I felt it, I knew it instantly."

"How did she react?"

"I-I don't know. I got out of there before I gave her a chance to say anything." Doyle recalled how she had been last night, rushing out of the room all flushed, she probably already knew it then just didn't want to embarrass herself in front of him. The thought of her blush and smiling face cause a smile to break out on his own. "I feel stupid."

"I'm sure she'll forgive you. But you really must talk to Keiran and Alpha Devin about this. They are her family." Connor stated as he scratched his head sleepily. Just then the room phone rang, Connor leaned over the couch to answer it. "Hello?"


"Well good morning to you too, Kerra."


"Certainly, we'd love to join everyone for breakfast. And I'll see if I can hunt down Doyle." Connor glanced over towards Doyle, who was grinning and nearly jumping out of excitement. "Thank you. We'll be over shortly." After hanging up, he glanced toward his son again. "Looks like you need to go shower, we are having breakfast in your sister's suite."

With that Doyle nodded and quickly dashed out the door down to his own suite to shower. As he entered he saw Xavier and Andy cuddled on the couch, but he quickly ignored her presence and ran into his room slamming it shut behind him. He felt like a kid on Christmas morning, and Kerra was that one big present on Christmas morning.

Doyle sped through his shower and quickly shaved, taking care to not cut himself. Before long he was dressed in loose pair of jeans and a black t-shirt that clung to his chest and arms. Walking into the living room again, Xavier stopped him.

"Where you going?" Xavier asked unaware of the uncomfortable tension in the room.

"Breakfast in my sisters' room. See ya in a bit." Doyle waved nonchalantly as he exited the room and knocked on the suite door next to his.

"Hey Doyle." Keiran said as he answered the door. "Come on in."

Doyle had realized that he had a cheesy grin pasted all over his face. "Hey Keiran." Suddenly he jolted out of his daze as he remembered that he would eventually need to talk to his brother in law about Kerra. "Hey, I need to talk to you later. That okay with you?"

"Yep." Keiran nodded as he moved away from the door allowing Doyle to enter.

Doyle's eyes instantly scanned the room for Kerra. Finding her was easy, it was as if he was pulled toward her. She sat beside Carlin cutting up pancakes up for him.

"Hey little man." Doyle said as he ruffled Carlin's hair. Kerra looked up at him and smiled a slight blush turning her cheeks pink. "Good morning, Kerra."

"Hey, Doyle."

"Where's Ash?" Doyle asked scanning the room then caught sight that her bedroom door was shut. He guess that she wasn't feeling so well this morning. "I'll be right back."

Knocking lightly on the door, with no answer, Doyle entered the room to hear coughing in the bathroom. "Ash?"


The Baynes Legacy - Book 4 - Ebb of the NightWhere stories live. Discover now