Don't You Understand?!(Yandere!Amanda X Shy! Reader) [LWA Request]

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Requested by @moledy1234 so sorry about the super late update! I got entirely caught up in all my stuff(school, work, ect) and this completely went over my head-I had it written and forgot to post it... I don't know if it was what you wanted, but I did need to keep it PG, so I tried....

Amanda's PoV:

Goodness, I have no idea how I have lived without Y/n for so long! She's so beautiful with her h/l, h/c hair that flows through the wind and her sparkling e/c eyes that grow wide and bright when she is passionate about something. She has beautiful, smooth,  s/t, which turns a bright pink when she is embarrassed. She has exactly the right amount of curves but was modest enough to wear covering clothes. She is a beautiful young woman with an amazing sense of style and the personality to match.

"Amanda, are you okay?" Akko asked me softly.

"Yeah..." I trailed off, still lost in my own thoughts. All of the sudden, Y/n came into the room.

"Y/n! What brings you here?" Akko asked kindly, which caused something to snap in me.

"Akko, Leave!! I need to talk to Y/n!" I demanded harshly. Y/n flinched at my harsh tone and I frowned. Akko shuffled quickly out of the room, obviously scared of my tone. 

"A-am-amanda-a? A-are you o-kay?" Y/n was stuttering and definitely afraid of me. 

"No...Don't you understand, Y/n?!" My voice rang with a clear aggression however I was not angry at her, instead I was angry at the fact that people who aren't me can talk to her and she has no clue how I feel.

"Wh-what?" Y/n questioned, unable to meet eyes with my, her gaze focused on her feet instead. 

"I am so in love with you that anybody who talks to you makes me so angry that I just can't take it anymore!" I grumbled through grit teeth. Hot tears quickly found their way to my eyes the more prolonged the silence between us was. During the silence I could hear her labored breathing.

She sniffed, awaring me of the tears that now streamed down her face and fell to the floor, "Is that w-why you-u p-punched Diane o-on Monday-y? B-because you w-were jealous-s?" Her spluttering surprised me as I hadn't expected her to say anything. 

"Yes," I whispered, looking at my feet in shame. She shyed away from me slightly and I felt broken hearted from her frightened reaction.

"O-oh." Y/n whispered before I spoke again.

"Y/n, I didn't mean to! I really don't know what's wrong with me!" 

"O-oh, Amanda i-it's okay. I-i don't think there is anything wrong w-with you! I-i love y-you just the way-y you are!" Y/n confessed in a small voice.  I got an extremely overwhelming urge so I leaned in and placed my slightly chapped lips on her soft, warm and slightly salty lips. When she didn't respond for a few seconds, I worried and over analyzed her unresponsiveness. When she finally began kissing back and I felt love like I had never felt before. 

I'm so so so so so so so so so so sorry about the wait for updates, but I'm typing a bunch up right now so that hopefully I can just quick update and then only type every month or so because I think that is the more time consuming part. 

TCT: Requests, requests, requests! I'm trying hard but I need some help from you guys to know what to write. The requests can be oneshots, headcannons, or preferences.

Love you all and your beautiful faces so much!

Buh-Bye! Peace!


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